Jeff Dvorak|Apr 1, 2020
Our condolences. We watched the virtual funeral; know that 300+ were there supporting you all! I didn't know him well, but our interactions showed his generosity and love of life. Prayers for you all, God Bless!
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Linda Kasowkski|Apr 1, 2020 (edited)
Steele family, know that I have virtual hugs for you all . I sure would have loved to have been there to sing my heart out at your dad's funeral but I sang in my home in my easy chair virtually. I continue to hold you all up in prayer. May the perpetual light shine upon you Greg.
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Mariann Winkelman|Apr 1, 2020
It was a beautiful service. I wish like many other people I could have been there. Greg was a truly great man. My prayers and that of my family are with you .
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Robert Hellen|Apr 1, 2020
Beautiful mass and reflection on Greg from the pastor. He was truly a man of God and lived his faith through his ongoing prayer list that he was constantly adding to and how he fulfilled his role as Deacon and practiced his faith through his service. He has earned his eternal reward. May God be with all of you during this difficult time and bring you peace and comfort. God bless!!
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Bruce Warkentien|Apr 1, 2020
Beautiful service. Thank you for sharing. I remember that "Wise Guy" from our days in the St. Paul Jaycees. He was fun to be with and even 40+ years ago you never doubted his commitment to his Lord. Greg was an inspiration to everyone that knew him. May God bless each and every one of you with special memories.
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Mike & Sandy Laughlin|Apr 1, 2020
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Steele family. Your dad was a generous , caring man who touched many people in his life including us. It was wonderful being able to join you during the funeral service . God bless you all.
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Jennifer Head|Apr 1, 2020
I am so sorry for your loss. Deacon Greg was a good man and will be missed by many people. I have prayed for him daily since his stroke. I watched his virtual funeral. It was beautiful and I am sure he thought so, too. May God be with all of you at this difficult time. Know that you are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. God bless all of you.
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Nan Sartori|Apr 1, 2020
Beautiful service to honor a beautiful man. I'm so glad we could join you virtually. We live you and pray for you without ceasing.
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Jackie Dehn|Apr 1, 2020
May Gods Blessings be with all your families. Beautiful Mass. Love and prayers always!
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Peggy Boyle|Apr 1, 2020
Wonderful Mass. So sorry for your loss and continued prayers for your family. We are grateful we could be there in spirit.
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