Scott Fahrney|Aug 30, 2020
Greg and Rebecca, Laura, Grace, and I have thought about you often and prayed for you and your family these past few weeks. You never know when grace will bless you so try to be strong and hopeful. And Greg, everyone here at Kuparuk is pulling for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Jimmy Heazlett|Aug 30, 2020
Hello Greg and Rebecca. Rebecca, you may not remember me, but I'm Greg's co-worker from Mercer PA. I'm all too familiar with brain tumors. My brother and my grandson. Everyone who has ever met Greg is better off from having done so. Hang in there buddy. Your whole family is in our daily prayers.
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Cole Chapman|Aug 28, 2020
Greg you and your girls have all my prayers.
Wish I could give you a tight squeeze Gregger!
It was good working with you and learning from you. I can’t help but be sad that I didn’t keep you on the phone longer last time I called the board.
Hugs to you and all your family.
I am angry/sad this is happening to you, I don’t think I know a better human. Why not me, my ex or a select few in Politics? Keep in good spirts Gregger if there is a person god is going to give a miracle to it will be you. Smile as often as you can. Hug the girls till your arms are tired. Love ya Gregger !
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Aaron Elmore|Aug 28, 2020
Please tell Greg that there are many of us here at work who keep him, and your family in our prayers. Thinking of you all often.
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Brynn Moe|Aug 24, 2020
Continue prayers and if you need anything a simple text and we will help however we can. I am so sorry you all are having to walk this out. Just as you said our God is a miracle worker and praying His testament is shown in and through all these hard circumstances and that His goodness, mercy and grace are seen in it. Love you all praying healing and strength over you both.
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Kylie Schappeler|Aug 24, 2020 (edited)
Wishing I could offer you a real hug, but instead I’m weeping with you from across the country. Praying that you would continue to find light and grace in this valley. You are loved!
Love, Kylie
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Barbara Pyles|Aug 23, 2020
There are no words I can think to say other then I pray God will hold Your family in the palms of his hands and Cover you with his grace, love and peace. In situations like this he is the All in All.
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Kay Taylor|Aug 23, 2020
I have no words. But, know we care and will continue to pray and send hugs.
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Dan Forsberg|Aug 23, 2020
Love and Blessings to you both on this most difficult and unbelievable journey
that you have been cast into. My heart and prayers go out to you indeed. I have never had cancer but my family have all felt its grip and pain. As a result I have found myself always on the lookout for the silver bullet or at least ways and lifestyle changes to prevent it. Elimination of all things in the diet that cause inflammation, such as sugar and processed foods is a big start. Secondly, almost every protocol for healing includes an alkaline diet. You can Google that. The most successful clinics and protocols around the world seem to agree on these points. I may be perceived as a hypochondriac by some and what you do with this information is entirely up to you, but just know it is sent with love and the greatest Hope for successfully overcoming Greg's condition. May the Holy Spirit bring you wisdom, comfort, healing and peace. Yours in Christ, Dan
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Jeanne Gregory|Aug 23, 2020
Honest raw emotions and truth...we are thankful to call you family. Your journey has only begun into this new land, this unknown territory filled with breakthroughs and breakdowns. In our thoughts and prayers 24/7. xoxoxo NC crew.
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