Karen Dubrow|Dec 7, 2023
We are forever grateful for having known Gray. He remains in our hearts and we treasure the memories we have of him and the times we spent with all of you over the years. Please reach out when you are ready.
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Frank howard|Dec 7, 2023
So sorry to hear this sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Carrie, Will and Laura. RIP Gray
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Julie Clark|Dec 7, 2023
Our hearts go out to you all. Carrie, Will and Laura - your love, kindness, comfort and gift of your presence in life’s most difficult moments is a model we can only hope to achieve when our time comes. Thank you for taking such good care of our precious Gray. Please know we grieve with you and are here to support you as you mourn and heal. Your faithful friends, Julie, Nick, Lisa and Drake
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Maria Cornelius|Dec 7, 2023
Carrie, Will and Laura - It's impossible to express how sorry I am. I wish I could be there with you, just to give you all a hug. You were all amazing during these tragic weeks, and got an opportunity to show Gray how very loved he was. It's a huge loss. He was a very special man--loved by all who knew him. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. Love you all! ❤️
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Jean Gilson|Dec 7, 2023
There are no words to describe the devastation of waking up to this news. I am so sorry Carrie, Will, Laura. Thank goodness it was peaceful. How lucky we are to have known this special man. 💛
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Michelle Fournier|Dec 6, 2023
Carrie and family-I’m very sorry to hear of Gray’s passing. Sending prayers and love to you all during this difficult time. 🙏 ❤️
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ann marshall|Dec 6, 2023
Dear Carrie, Will and Laura, I am so sad to hear this news. He was such a wonderful person and this illness has been so unfair to all of you. Sending love and peaceful hearts.
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Dee Carden|Dec 6, 2023
What a huge loss! But what an enormous privilege it is to have had Gray Hurd in our lives. Thank you Carrie, Will and Laura for sharing this wonderful man with us - a dear and fabulous friend to so many people. We're grieving with you, and wishing you strength, peace and love. xoxo
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Helen Gordon|Dec 6, 2023
dear Carrie, Will, Laura. I am so sorry. It is all so unbelievable. thoughts and love go out to you all from all my family. Photos of home and the hospital made it clear how much you made this fight and these weeks meaningful and special. I have so many memories I treasure, and look forward to seeing you all. much love, Helen
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Cindi Dixon|Dec 6, 2023
Words can never express our thoughts completely but they can bring some comfort. It is that comfort I hope you get from the words of your dear friends. May I add mine to those: While my heart is broken, I know Gray is at peace and how wonderful to have had his family surrounding him at the end. Love to you Carrie, Will & Laura❤️
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