pat paulson|Nov 8, 2022
What a powerful post, Gina. There isn’t anything I can add to all the sentiments already expressed. I totally agree with all the comments about your recovery; you’re truly an inspiration to so many, including myself. It will be exciting to see what’s in your next “chapter” —author, new career, national speaker?? We love you and are grateful to have your family. Sure did miss attending the reunion this year—age does bring changes we don’t like🤣.
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Cyndi Dautel|Nov 4, 2022
Your MnCan speech was truly inspirational for me. It brought tears to my eyes because I know how hard you have worked. I know how far you have come and tears of joy that you are still with us today. Thank you for sharing the link with all of us. I know it is not easy to share your experience over and over. Your strength, determination and grace is a true testament of who you are to the core....a passionate caring woman who has helped to educate, promote and inspire so many other people throughout your life and career as a nurse. Your participation in MnCan, the friendships that you have developed through the organization and your wonderful keynote speech continues to help, educate and inspire others. By the way you looked great with the Mic in you hand again...years of leading Minnivan prepared you for that moment;) MnCan is a wonderful organization and I am so glad you are a part of it. I really do hope you write a book about your experience and your road to recovery. I would be the first to buy it and of course would expect you to sign it!!!! Reading your posts are very inspirational.....they are so well written and could easily flow into chapters of a book. You are the 3rd nurse friend and collogue who I know who has had a stroke and even though I know the recovery is hard for anyone who has had a stroke, I feel that it is especially hard for nurses! We devote so much of ourselves to our profession and helping others. We never really think that it could happen to us, but it does! You have the nursing knowledge, real life experience and beautiful writing style to write a best seller! Your story has the ability to educate so many other nurses (from one nurse to another) in regards to caring for stroke patients and supporting them on their road to recovery!
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Judy Regan|Nov 3, 2022
Lovely to hear an update from you Gina. Indeed, hell of a lot of prudence and grace - !! Keep up the good fight. You are an inspiration. Much love from Mark and Judy xo
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Deborah Kruse|Nov 3, 2022
Gina, your brave journey continues, and you are so gracious to invite us along! YOU ARE AMAZING, & so strong! You are so correct; you have an invisible disability. I wish people would just slow down & give everyone a break! You are so well written. I agree with Theresa... you should write a book (or a blog, if that's still a thing?) about your experience sometime in the future. You could inspire so many people with your strength & grace, your struggles & fears, hopes & wishes. You have a unique insight being someone in the medical field, & a patient with all the battles- big & small victories that happen along the way. I hope you can gain strength from all the people who support you from near & afar. Stay strong girl! Sending Hugs!!
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Peggy Hubble|Nov 3, 2022
Wow, Gina, your written language skills are incredible! Thanks for sharing your journey & thoughts with us all! Your determination & strength inspires all to keep working on our own weaknesses. This experience will lead you to a new & rewarding career as you continue to become comfortable with your new normal! What doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger! Blessings to you, my friend!
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Lane Peterson|Nov 3, 2022
Gina you are so amazing!! You’re such a beautiful soul. Your writing is outstanding! Thanks for sharing more of your journey!! Stay strong!!💕💕💕
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Judy Goebel|Nov 3, 2022
So proud of you Gina❣️
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Theresa Auge|Nov 3, 2022
Gina, I can't believe how powerful your posts are. Not only are they inspirational, but motivating to understand this ailment. Where ever your path ends, I hope you write a book! Yes, you can share your inspiration with others. I thank you for your heartfelt words and your humble sharings. It is been such a process of which we can not take for granted. Love you!
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Carol Andraschko|Nov 2, 2022
Gina, you are THE STRONGEST person I know. A true inspiration for all. Love you!!
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Carin Hanson|Nov 2, 2022
Gina! Once again you give depth and width to your experience here, and your words help me understand your story. That is a gift and I thank you for it! Seeing you for a pickleball lesson was a summer highlight. Are you interested in some cross country skiing this winter?
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