Roger Treece|Dec 11, 2023
Hi Signe - so glad you are who you are...who you've BECOME! You and Gary were so blessed to have each other, and my heart goes out to you all. I'm always here for you guys. Thank you for your writings. They truly are inspiring for me.
Agape, Roger Treece
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Brett Williams|Nov 15, 2023
Dear Signe, we at Calvary Whidbey join your huge extended church family in saying that we are so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how hard this is. Please consider us, your island family, if there is anything we can do to help in this new season without Gary. All our love, Brett Williams

Alas, poor Death! Where is thy glory?
Where is thy famous force, thy ancient sting?

Alas, poor mortal, void of story!
Go spell and read how I have killed thy King.

Poor Death! And who was hurt thereby?
Thy curse being laid on Him makes thee accurst.

Let losers talk, yet thou shalt die;
These arms shall crush thee.

Spare not, do thy worst.
I shall be one day better than before;
Thou so much worse, that thou shalt be no more.
George Herbert
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Brian Rall|Nov 14, 2023
So thoughtful, and beautifully written, Signe. May our Lord Jesus Christ give us all the desire to finish the race with the grace and courage that you and Gary were able to demonstrate. I find myself constantly asking that if the gospel is true, why do we as followers of Jesus fear anything, including death? ".... all is not lost when we face death. It's just the finish line. And then we get the prize."

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalms 73: 25-26

Grace and Peace.
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Brendan Dixon|Nov 14, 2023
Signe -- It's been quite some time since Kim & I saw you & Gary. We are saddened for your loss. Gary finished well and lived well. No words can truly soften the loss, but we were blessed by both of you.
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Shannon Wilson|Nov 14, 2023
Bless you my dear Signe! You are an AMAZING human and Gary was so blessed to have you as a wife! You're in my continued thoughts and prayers (so are the kids)... big hugs! Shannon
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Kelly (O'Shea) Sieg|Nov 13, 2023
Beautiful tribute, Signe. May we all be inspired to finish well. 🙏 💔
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Harmony Hames|Nov 12, 2023
Signe, this is such a hard thing, but you handled it with such grace. My heart goes out to you and your family. You all finished strong, by being there for him and giving him all you had to give. Thank you for being open and sharing this journey with us. I hope you can take some time for yourself, and rest and heal with family. We love you, and we're here for you.
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Mike Meeks|Nov 12, 2023
Thank you for this beautiful expression of love to the end… and beyond.
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Dutch Stultz|Nov 12, 2023
Signe, you both finished this one strong! Your strength through this difficult journey of Gary’s Cancer, has been so inspirational! Reading all the journal entries that you made, were not only inspiring, but they also touched my heart. Very much like Gary’s life, it has been both inspiring and touching to watch your Love for one another! Thanks for allowing us to be part of your journey. {{{HUGS}}} 🙏🏽💔🙏🏽
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K Batstone|Nov 12, 2023 (edited)
That was wonderful to read. I can see you both so vividly. Rejoicing and sorrow. Praying for you and the family as you walk on.
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