Julie Leapaldt|Sep 18, 2020
I am so, so sorry for your loss Barb, you have been on my mind. Gary was truly a wonderful guy, never a negative vibe. Always willing to listen, and share some solid wisdom. I know you and Rosa will miss him until you meet again. Please know you are both in my thoughts and prayers. Julie
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Mary and Jerry Snustad|Sep 17, 2020
Dear Barb and Rosa, We hope you can feel the huge hug we are sending you! It is so hard to think about the deep sadness and overwhelming loss you are experiencing at this time. Jerry and I hold you in our hearts and prayers so often. When we were vacationing near Grand Marais last week we hiked to some rocks along the shore and shared memories of Gary, and you, and all the ways you’ve blessed our lives over the years. We were in awe of the amazing human being he was as we recalled all the ways he impacted the lives of those around him! Know that we love you. Our hearts ache with sadness too. May God’s peace and presence surround you and hold you close. Mary and Jerry
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ann warrington|Sep 15, 2020
I think of you so many times during the day and send you lots of love and prayers to meet the challenges of the coming days. The obituary that you wrote was such a tribute to him. You really honored him and how he lived his life to the fullest. When you need to or want to call but also rest and take care of Barb.
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Malana Schmidt|Sep 15, 2020
His obit captured the wonderful, giving spirit which motivated his life's work. We will all miss the calm and steady influence he had on the lives of others. Jeff and Malana
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Toni Reif|Sep 14, 2020
He...and you, Barb,....have been a very important part of our lives for 41 years. We will miss him greatly and hope we can help carry some of your pain. Toni and Paul
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John Sebas|Sep 14, 2020
A very descriptive and lovely obituary. A wonderful life well lived. A leader and healer who inspired and will not be forgotten.
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Linda Allen|Sep 14, 2020
Continuing to think of you both and lift you up. He was one of the finest Barb. His reach was tremendous and his impact beyond that of most anyone I know. I will miss his smile and that twinkle in his eye.
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Val Rogosheske|Sep 14, 2020 (edited)
It’s such a moving obituary, Barb; one that reminds us of what a far-reaching impact he had on places far away, his own community, his family and his friends. What a kind, gentle, intelligent, generous man. My heart weeps for you and Rosa and for his loss to the world.
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Ann Leonard|Sep 14, 2020
Dear Barb, he was, indeed, a wonderful guy. Even in my short acquaintance with him, I could tell that. And, that you and he were special partners, connected in a way many wish for. You’ve much to appreciate, and much to grieve. Loss is such a double edged sword, bringing into sharp relief the magnificence of the gifts. Yet, those blessed gifts continue in so many ways, seen and unseen, expected and unexpected. He is with you always, in your heart and by your side. I’ve no doubt of that. I’m sending you much love during these days of un-rootedness and loss, knowing that your strength and his love will sustain you. With much heartfelt understanding for your loss, Ann
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Judy Langen|Sep 14, 2020
Dear Barb and Rosa, know that if it weren't covid times, the entire community would be present in witness to the final goodbyes expressed at a service. Because that won't be the case I trust the strength of impact Gary had on all of us will shine through wherever and whenever you hold a service or a prayer or thought for him. We will be there in spirit with you. Hugs
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