Rick Gross|Nov 27, 2021
Fern, at this moment of loss, Donna and I cherish, more than ever, our time with you and Gail last November on your beautiful deck. The two of you were a gift to each other throughout your lives— but never more, than during these past few months. You were there for each other. Thankfully, Dohn, Kristy and Tyler were there for both of you— a real blessing. Memories are an important part of the human experience, and we will always cherish our memories of Gail.
Fern, we send our love and our positive thoughts for your continued recovery.
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Betsy Ray|Nov 22, 2021
Gail commented to me - when we were about 17 - that she thought I'd make a good mother for sons. My immediate reaction was "huh?" My potential children and their gender weren't on my agenda, but I've thought about that observation often over the last sixty(!) years. I have no idea what we were discussing at the time, but her remark was a surprisingly potent source of courage during some pretty crucial years. (I didn't have any brothers; my first child was a daughter; and especially right after David was born, I remember thinking "AAArgh! I don't know anything about raising boy-children!!") So bless you, Gail, for whatever perception or thought process led you to that insight when we were still at NPA. Rest peacefully in the knowledge that you left a legacy of affection, encouragement and comfort to so very many people for so many years.

Betsy (Gwynn) Ray
North Park Academy 1959---
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Art Schuller|Nov 22, 2021
thank you for your love and care for gail and for each other. it is a gift and reminder for all of us. may you continue to comfort each other as you grieve her passing and celebrate her life. i wish you all peace and grace.
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Ed Fattes|Nov 22, 2021
So sorry to hear about Gail passing. Heaven just gained another angel. We will keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers. Ed Fattes
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Janet Sirabian|Nov 21, 2021
I am so sad for all of you - and for me. Are you going to have any type of service in Madison? If you do, I would like to be there. Thanks so much for keeping us posted. RIP Gail and God Bless You.
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Lorraine Short|Nov 21, 2021
Dear Fern, Gail's passing is incredibly sad, you and Gail won't be leaving my mind and heart for a very long time. Hang on to Dohnn, Kristy, and Tyler hard and allow them to do the same for you.
Wishing each of you
Strength and eventual peace,
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Cheryl Henry|Nov 21, 2021
Goodbye Gail. Love that you and Mike are going to be together at the cabin.
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lori shuford|Nov 21, 2021
Dear Fern,

I am incredibly saddened by your loss. But I also feel relieved that Gail has been released from her burden. She will be missed greatly by all of you but you will keep her memory alive with sharing the special moments she manifested in your lives. You and Gail both enriched the lives of those of us who were fortunate enough to spend time with you here in Madison. God Bless!

Love, Lori
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Melanie Dutcher|Nov 21, 2021
Ferm, thanks for letting me know. I am so sorry for you and for Gail's family. So sudden. It does not seem that long ago that you and Gail visited us and we traveled to Bryce Canyon together. So much has changed since then. Sending my love and will be thinking of you through the coming difficult time.
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Maurice Melchiono|Nov 21, 2021
Oh Fern,
I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know I am thinking and sending lots of love to you, Dohnn, Kristi and Tyler. I am glad we got a chance to connect yesterday. I love you to pieces.
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