Shary Wellsandt|Feb 5, 2019
So sorry to hear of all the pain and tests, but so glad you are healthy enough for the study and things are moving forward! Good news and yes, God is good!
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Daniel Meyer|Feb 2, 2019
I too am sorry for the pain and suffering you are having to deal with. I agree with Shannon, keep on trusting in the Lord! We are instructed to live by faith, not by sight. Keep your eyes and trust upon Jesus!
As all the others have said too, we are all praying daily that our Heavenly Father will provide your daily needs to you. God is with you, who can stand against you!
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p wilson|Feb 2, 2019
(((((Hugs)))) Holding you in my heart, Fran. I'm so very happy that you've qualified for the study. You have legions of people supporting and praying for you. Love you bunches, Sista.
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Carla Braun|Feb 1, 2019
So glad u qualify for the study, but so sorry u had to go thru all the poking and prodding. Continued prayers being sent your way!
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Bill Reimers|Feb 1, 2019
Sorry to hear that you had to be somebody's guinea pig for blood draws! Glad to hear that after all of that testing, you qualified for the study! Thanks Mary for supporting Fran and Happy Belated Birthday, Chuck!
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Mary Jo Young|Feb 1, 2019 (edited)
Oof! No fun getting poked all those times. I’ve been there and am glad you made it through this phase! Not fair that they should put “rookies” on the job when you have to be jabbed so many times. Amen to pain meds!

Hang in there and know there are many prayers being said for you.
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Vickie Rowlett|Feb 1, 2019
So glad for the news. God will see you through friend!! Love ya. Prayers continue,
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Susie Kirkendall|Feb 1, 2019
Glad you have that behind you. Continued prayers for you and your family too....strength to you all.
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Mary Reimers|Feb 1, 2019
Franny was a trooper! Her infectious humor drew everyone to her side with a smile, laugh, and a pat on the back. Glad I am sharing these memories with Fran and Chuck but wish it didn’t have to be... By the way: it was Chuck’s 77th birthday on Wednesday.
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Shannon Alberts|Feb 1, 2019
I’m so sorry you are going through all this! Keep on trusting the Lord. He is good and worthy of our faith no matter what our circumstances!
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