Gary Powsner|Jun 2, 2020
My heart goes out to all of you. Amazing how stunned I feel to learn news that was by no means a surprise. Holding your family in my thoughts. So grateful to have been included in the updates on the journey. I have both drawn and passed on strength I've found as a witness. May you find peace.
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Sharon Dowling|Jun 2, 2020
We are heartbroken for you all. Frank was a treasure. Sending our love and prayers for peace and comfort for you and your wonderful boys.
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Christine Destrempes|Jun 2, 2020
Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear this. Frank was a gift to the world and will be missed. Sending lots of love to all of you. Christine
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jane miller|Jun 2, 2020
I'm holding you all in the warmest part of my heart and am right here at Price Farm for you.
Loving you all,
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Monica Lehner|Jun 2, 2020
Dearest Nancy, much love to you and Gus and Adam from Michael and I. What a gift that you were all there together to send Frank on his way. And that he was home, where over the decades and up to the end he created so much stunning work.

And what an extraordinary creative partnership you two have shared. ❤️
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Emily Taub|Jun 2, 2020
Holding all four of you in such close warmth and light. Reach out when you're ready - we're here for you.
- Emily & Amber
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Allen Krantz|Jun 2, 2020
Thankyou Nancy. I feel lucky to have had a chance to be connected with Frank these last months. We will all miss him deeply.
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Marcy Pope|Jun 2, 2020
Love the beautiful way he and you all celebrated living, knowing full well the end.
Love, prayers and peace, Marcy
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Bruno Cognyl-Fournier|Jun 2, 2020
Hello Nancy, Gus and Adam, my sincere condolences to you all, He fought a big battle, very bravely. I am sad to see him go. Although we have known each other for about 20 years, and met only a few time, you are all very dear to us. Take care of yourselves, you have had a gruelling past few years. Please stay in touch. All our love Bruno and Valérie, in Montreal.
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Mark Davis|Jun 2, 2020
Oh Frank, we will miss you..that laugh, that wonderful smile, your music, your writing and your wonderful poetic being-ness! Nancy, Gus, Adam..our love always! When we can, we need to share a big hug...but for now please know that we are with you in thought and spirit. All our love - Mark and Beverly
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