Lisa Marengo|Aug 10, 2020
Fr. Tighe,
You stand precious in God’s sight and loved by so many lives whom you have touched.
You are being uplifted by many hearts in prayer and love. You are surrounded and held by the love in our hearts and embraced in the love of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
Thank you,
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Patrice Guidry|Aug 10, 2020
Thank you Fr. Tighe, you have been an inspiration from the moment you served at St. Michael’s those many years ago... you are His good and faithful servant and a great gift to our diocese. God bless you for your generosity. Go in peace.
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Angela Martin|Aug 10, 2020
Catholic Company's "Morning Offering" verse for today: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be."
John 14:1-3
That "where I am you may also be." Oh how your life demonstrates a constant desire to be with Him, to be where He is: in the Eucharist, in Adoration and encouraging us to desire to be with Him as well, and make every effort to do so. My eyes well with tears as I pray for your comfort and peace, for your family's strength, hope, and faith, and for a miraculous healing. Abba has this and He has you in this. Peace, fear not!
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Dan Nugent|Aug 10, 2020
Dear Father Tighe,

You have made such and impact on our family’s lives!! Thank you for your holy example, guidance and encouragement! I am grateful that you are able to see Gabe return to the seminary.
I know your prayers are powerful! Nina was exposed to someone with COVID at work. We had her and Max tested and we are awaiting results. I know we pray that God’s will be done but if you can, pray that His will is that the tests are negative so Gabe can go off to the seminary next weekend as planned, I would greatly appreciate that.
We love you! Be assured of our continued prayers!
God bless, Gigi
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Jennifer Facteau|Aug 10, 2020
Dear Father Tighe: Know that you are loved by many. Praying that the Lord allows you to remain here on earth but we all know it's His will be done and not ours. Our family has been blessed for knowing you and experiencing your strong faith. "We walk by faith and not by sight", which you are showing to everyone who has ever known you. Thank you for baptizing our grandson (Chase) 10 years ago. It was a true blessing to us. God Bless you on whatever journey the Lord takes you. Always, Mike, Jennie, Becki and Ryan
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tina marsh|Aug 10, 2020
Dear Father Tighe, that you so much for your great example of your strong faith courage and strength. Please know that the LOM , the whole diocese of Raleigh and probably around the world are praying for you. We love you so much.
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Angela Calvacca|Aug 10, 2020
Dear Father Tighe,

Thank you for making such a big impact on my life and my faith when I was younger. You have always been there for my family and I since the beginning. You act as a person of wisdom and as a great role model for many people. I keep you in my prayers and wish I was able to see you right now. Good luck with everything.
-Joseph Calvacca
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JimBo DuBose|Aug 10, 2020
Praying for y’all! This Sucks Fr Tighe. I know you are gonna be alright!
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Andrew Kaveler|Aug 9, 2020
Fr. Tighe,

Brief life update: In addition to staying safe during this pandemic, I've been helping Fr. Peter with his Crosswalk ministry and this fall I'll be joining the Lifeteen staff at the Cathedral.

There are so many words I want to say, but what it narrows down to is that you’ve been an wonderful source of guidance, wisdom, and holiness. I have been incredibly blessed to have known you if only for a few years. You will be in my prayers.

Andrew Kaveler
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Christine Passaretti Norwood|Aug 9, 2020
Dear Fr . Tighe,
Your faith and leadership are inspirations to all blessed to know you. Thank you for continuing to minister to us and for your shining example of grace even in the most difficult of times, most especially now. Praying for peace and comfort for you, your family and all those who know and love you.
- Christine Passaretti Norwood
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