Phillip Kotecki|Jun 14, 2020
I remember sitting at a initial Parish Council Meeting and you asked us all what was important and what would be the focus of this Parish Council. As we all took our turn - you told us all of those ideas was great but encouraged us to focus on the Eucharist. With this focus we cannot miss. Jesus I Trust in You. God Bless Father. Prayers are abound.
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Paula Hill-Szwagiel|Jun 14, 2020
Praise Be To God!!! Wonderful news!! We continue to lift you up in family prayers, Father, and in daily Rosaries. Father Price is getting barraged with prayers! God bless and keep moving forward. All our love! Chris, Paula and Will Szwagiel
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Sally Bruns|Jun 14, 2020
Thank you for the update.
You continue to be in my prayers. My prayer is that God wraps you in His loving arms and gives you what you need for healing and your Important work.
Take care.❤️🙏
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Judy Ikirt|Jun 14, 2020
Than you God for the good need. May you continue to heal with God’s blessings and prayers
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Cathy Ligowski|Jun 14, 2020
Praise God Father Tighe for the good news and continued prayers for a complete healing!! We love you and wish you a Happy Feast Day today- you truly have taught us so much about The Eucharist!! May God continue to bless you with so many prayers and love from all!!
Tim, Cathy and kids
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Mary Leser|Jun 14, 2020
So happy to hear your good news and prayers continue for more good news to come. Thanks for your beautiful comments. God is good. 🙏🙏
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