Anne and Robert DiDomenico|Sep 4, 2018
Fr Phil. You are in our thoughts and in our prayers.
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marian buis|Sep 4, 2018
Father, my husband Chuck and I are praying fervently for your healing through Christ our Lord. God be with you!
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Sally Cortina|Sep 4, 2018
Our family is praying for you, Father Tighe. God bless you!
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Bob Gray|Sep 4, 2018
Hi Father........Much love and prayer from Louisville, KY. Seems you are in the best hands medically, and be assured you are in the loving hands of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, as well. I have a good friend there in Raleigh who just went through this same type of cancer just six months ago. His path was radiation, surgery, then chemo. By God's Grace and much prayer from friends and relatives, he is cancer free today. Thank you for letting us know through this journal how you are progressing. Many, many friends are praying for you. God bless!
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Rick Dennis|Sep 4, 2018
Father Tighe, Annette and I are praying for your healing each day. May the Lord grant you peace, and may He grant your doctors great wisdom as they determine the next steps.
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Fr. Gregory Plow, TOR|Sep 4, 2018
I love how you chose Pope St. John Paul II's quote "Be not afraid!" that he proclaimed from St. Peters so close to the fortieth (40th) anniversary of him being elected and encouraging the world onward with those empowering words from Jesus! God bless you Fr. Tighe and know of my prayers for you!
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Barb Blasiole|Sep 4, 2018
Dear Father, Being from very near Pittsburgh and knowing the brilliant medical personnel and state of the art technology they have gives us so much confidence that you are in the best place possible. But our real confidence comes from knowing you are in our Lord's hands. Our thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery. We are sure God still has work for you to do! Blessed Mary please intercede for your faithful servant.
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gina sriraman|Sep 4, 2018
Father, the Sriraman family will have you in our prayers daily begging Our Lady’s intercession for you , to guide your medical team and to give you strength as you carry this cross. Know you mean the world to so many and so many are praying for you as you beat this cancer! Much love and many many prayers for you.
Gina and Ling
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Allison Dooley|Sep 4, 2018
Dear Father,
Praying for you daily and will ask Our Lady to intercede in a special way for you. We can only imagine how many are storming heaven on your behalf because you are so special to so many! Jesus we trust in you 🙏🏻
Allison and Rich
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Dale Dawson|Sep 4, 2018
Fr. Tighe, May the Peace of our Lord be with you. Know that your warriors are out here praying for you!
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