Sondra & Owen Gibbons|Apr 24, 2019
Good morning,
Oh my you are an inspiration and a gift! See you Tuesday evening! ❣️
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Joan Bowling|Apr 24, 2019
Fr Dave it was so good to see you at IC on Friday! You are feeling the prayers and love from those surrounding you. I continue to pray for peace to replace any fear you may have. God has blessed you on Easter and will continue to do so. Thank you for giving us this gift of your journal. I hope to be able to attend the Healing mass.

Love you
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Tom Gorman|Apr 24, 2019
Fr Dave, I'm sure our Lord's care for us, as reflected in your own presence and strength at Saturday's Vigil Mass, were an inspiration to all who were there.
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Denise Post|Apr 24, 2019
Father it sounds like your Easter was a great celebration! It was a joy to see you come celebrate with us on Friday at Immaculate, and I would recognize you with or without hair. Hair is not what makes you the great person you are. Next time I hope you can have the whole beer! 🙏🏼☮️❤️
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cynthia Rogerson|Apr 23, 2019
Your entry tonight was better than any Easter basket. I have been fearing that you have become too sick to journal. I am so happy that you were able to enjoy the Easter glories and participate in the services. Happy you got to be with family. Take care of you
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mary havens|Apr 23, 2019
Hi Fr Dave,
Ooooh it is You who are a privilege to me and to all of us at St Helen!! I can't thank you enough for all your help in my life, you have and still give me so much insight into many spiritual things, and you've helped me get to know our loving God better and that alone is a big step for me and I thank you for you just being the wonderful dedicated and very spiritual person you have and are to me and to all of us!! I don't like saying goodbye to you, but I know one day I'll have no choice!:( I will celebrate your being here and giving so much to us all all the days of my life Fr Dave! One thing I do know, is that God will be with you when you breath your last and Yes He will get you to the other side!!:) When you get there please pray for all of us! I salute you for your courage, strength, spirit, and Love that you've shown me and all of us through this journey we've all been on with you and we all will continue the journey with you till the end, which I believe will be the beginning for you with our Lord!!:) Hallelujah!!:) I will never forget you Fr Dave!:) Even as you are going down for the count you have made me smile , and I don't know how you're doing it but I am so proud of you Fr Dave!!:) It is so wonderful to know you and to have had this time with you! Well I'd better say goodnight for now before my tears start to come.
God Bless You Fr Dave! It was so wonderful to see you again!!:)
Much Love,
Mary Havens
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Judy Baker|Apr 23, 2019
My prayers every day are that God will comfort you and protect you, so knowing you had such a wonderful Easter weekend makes my heart joyful💗 So wish I lived closer so I could have attended the Easter service.
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Diane Chong|Apr 23, 2019
Such a wonderful life, such wonderful blessings...just when you think you are at an all time low, God lifts you to new heights and reminds you who is really in control of your universe. I am thankful that your Easter week was wonderful Fr. Dave. You are soaking in all the blessings of our Almighty Father and he is showing his amazing healing powers through you. Know you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
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Diane Hagan|Apr 23, 2019
Dearest Father, as I read this I could see in my mind everything you were describing as if I were right beside you. What a wonderful way to spend your Easter — Gloriously basking in the warmth of family and the promise of tomorrow. It truly makes me sad to hear you speak of dying, yet even in your fears I find great hope, thank you so very much for taking all of us on this journey with you. Please know I am truly with you in spirit all the way to heaven! I’m sorry I missed you and the healing service hope it brought added strength. I love you Father Dave, my thoughts and prayers are with you always. God bless you and hold you close. ❤️❤️🌷🌷
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Diane Stroud|Apr 23, 2019
Happy Easter, Fr. Dave! So happy that you had such wonderful experiences over the past week, from the Triduum to Easter. I will be in Kentucky studying at my clinical orientation for nurse midwifery next week, so I can't be at your healing service in person. But I will be praying for you just the same. God bless you!
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