Denise Swain|Mar 14, 2019
Hi Fr.Daniel!
As I have shared before our daughter ,Haley, was diagnosed with leukemia at 13 yrs. Old. She is now 31 and married for 8 years. She has a stepson and they are moving forward with plans to adopt!
We know all about D Days! For Haley it was Day 0, the day she received her brother Maximilian Kolbe's bone marrow. The name alone is providential!! ☺Fr.Gomez came to see her in Motts Children's Hospital , at UofM hospital to give her Sacrament of the Sick ! She went home miraculously at day 14!! Which I guess is unheard of. The chemo she received to wipe her out was AWFUL.. As you shared having 0 immune system and very very low blood counts- if any. We called those the "Dog Days." She could not even leave her room! I was 9mths. Pregnant with Victor and so the docs decided they wanted me to go home and have a baby , so they released Haley. We think it was a miracle! The Sacraments are SO powerful! You are in our prayers. Victor says hello and you are in his prayers! The Toledo RC Women's Group has a card to send but I lost your address! 😣 God bless you and heal you! and I pray your transplant does what it needs to do!! You are in HIS hands!! You are loved!! You are in the shadow of HIS wings!
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Mike Carranco|Mar 14, 2019
Un fuerte abrazo Father Daniel, Dios lo cuide, no hay mejor sistema inmunológico que la paz que Dios le está regalando, un fuerte abrazo
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Sandra Lipari|Mar 14, 2019
I had my first CHEMO Fr. Day three after was the worst because the steroids wore off and the "taxel" hit hard at joints. Dread next infusion, may we pray for each other. God Bless you!
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Mary Anne Urlakis|Mar 14, 2019
God bless you, Fr. Daniel! Our family is continuing to pray fo you daily- especially during our nightly rosary. Thank you for your incredible witness.
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Paula Rhodes|Mar 14, 2019
Please know you are in my prayers 🙏💒💕
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Cheralyn Quevedo|Mar 14, 2019
God bless you Father, continued daily prayers. Thank you for your witness.
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