Jamie Holland|Oct 5, 2020
Thank you Stewart, this post was the first thing I read after waking up this morning and the positive energy set the tone for my day. In fact, whenever I reflect about Andrew there is laughter that follows. SpongeBob, Hansen Brothers, The Dude were a few of my favorite Halloween costumes to name a few...lots of love to you all
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Effie Glover|Oct 5, 2020
What beautiful words written by a beautiful person. Stewart, you're such a wonderful mom, sister, daughter, and friend. Andrew's memory is so much more alive because of you and the love you have for him. Thinking about you and the kids a lot today, and every day. I will take the time to stop and remember Andrew this evening and the impact that he had on your family and many others. love you all!
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Martha Jane Poisson|Oct 5, 2020
Stewart, what a beautifully written tribute to Andrew. He definitely was a force of live to reckon with. His love for you and his children never waivered. It is hard to believe it has been a year. My thoughts are with you and your family. I will think about you tonight and give you a big virtual hug. Love to all !!
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Katherine Kopp|Oct 5, 2020
Thinking of all of you and sending love your way, today and always. Katherine and Vince
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Keitha Eddins|Oct 5, 2020
Stewart, as you and the children enter a new season of life may your memories of Andrew grow sweeter and more vivid as you continue to celebrate his life through the lives you live! Continuing to lift you and your family up in prayer!
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flo carlisle|Oct 5, 2020
Andrew’s legacy continues - a source for music - laughter - learning - and love! We will all join the 7:30 “light up” and be together in showing how very much he is missed.
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Lynn Poisson|Oct 5, 2020
During my sleepless moments, and my waking (everyday) ones, too, I think of Andrew and how much I miss him....we all do. He was a bright star in our lives that shone over all of our family, especially Stewart and the grands, and their furry friends who are with him in his next life. He made us happier and better people. His strength of character (especially in his last year and a half....never one complaint), gentleness, humor, innovative creativity in life and work, intelligence, and love for our family were constant! Life just isn’t the same without Andrew even when he was teasing me about my unique lifestyle or way of living my life.....my decorating, cooking, gardening, and entertaining, and not having a real job (?) was a constant source of fodder for Andrew to contemplate. He brought so much joy to our family and was my partner in crime with all of the most fun times of our lives....the best party planner and helper imaginable...especially his cocktail creativity! He loved that we unapologetically celebrated the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and any chance possible to extreme....especially the over the top gifts. He especially loved the “opening the presents part”!! Andrew was one of a kind in all of the best ways! I wonder what he is thinking about the world today...Covid, the election, the fires and hurricanes, BLM, and on and on. He was the catalyst for all of our most interesting conversations about religion, politics, and life in general which we all miss immensely. What would I do without MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, and Morning Joe who Andrew introduced me to? Take a moment today at 7:30 pm or anytime and think your best and favorite Andrewisms or moments! He and all of our family would love it if you do!
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Janet Cox|Oct 4, 2020
Stewart, You are an amazing woman and a wonderful mother! Andrew would be so proud of you! We will wrap our arms around you and the children tomorrow at 7:30 pm. Nick and Janet
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Warren McMurry|Oct 4, 2020
Very nice tribute. He was a special unique person as was brought out in his memorial service last year and his passing was a loss to so many.
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Toni Read|Oct 4, 2020
That’s so great that you and the kids traveled a bit and spent time with the grands! I will play some John Prine tomorrow and reflect.
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