Robin Salter|Oct 7, 2019
I met Andrew through work, but we quickly became friends. I imagine that's true for almost anyone that ever worked with him. My deepest condolences to your family. Peace be with you and God bless his joyful soul!
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Tanner Clayton|Oct 7, 2019
Stewart, we felt so sad when we heard the news. Nicole and I sat on the couch for awhile afterward, cried, and talked about the wonderful unique qualities that Andrew exemplifies. We love you and are sending many waves of hugs and love your way.
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Pat Hedrick|Oct 7, 2019
Ed and I are holding you in our hearts, mind,s, and prayers. I was with a loved one when he died. I felt so blessed that he passed that way. I can only imagine how much more important that is when it is your spouse. Andrew passes knowing he was loved. You don't want to hear this, but you have been just a stalwart, a foundation, oxygen,and unconditional love to Andrew and the kids . If this had to happen, that has made all the difference regarding HOW it happened. I don't want to die, but when I do, I hope someone is holding my hand that I adore. I hope I am cared for and surrounded by love. Andrew knows that his children will live with wonderful love and support and that you are so loved and supported. My prayer is for peace...that God comfort your hearts and minds and allow you all to feel Andrew's love forever. I am just asking God to give you whatever you need at this time......Much love, Pat
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Dail Ballard|Oct 7, 2019
I am so sorry that Andrew is no longer amongst us. Every time I ever saw him, I took away an excitement and passion for life rarely have I seen in anyone else. He is going to be missed in this community and well beyond. Thank you for sharing this journey and your amazing love story of family.
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Michelle crittenden|Oct 7, 2019
I am holding you and your sweet family in my prayers. Sending you love and strength❤️
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Annie Anthony|Oct 7, 2019
I'm so very sorry to hear about Andrew's passing, but I am so glad that he was able to spend time at home before he left. Thank you for all the love you've given him over these years. I know he will be your angel and he will be watching over you from here on out. If I can help in any way please let me know.


Annie Anthony
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Mitchell Moehring|Oct 7, 2019
Sending love and prayers your way. Hang in there. So glad to hear it was peaceful and that he was comfortable. I am so grateful to have known Andrew, what an awesome Tar Heel.
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Jennifer Mackethan|Oct 7, 2019
We are here to help in any way...pick up for Boy Scouts, etc. Lots of love coming your way, I know. The Mackethans
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Brian Kromke|Oct 7, 2019
Our family is praying for yours Stewart.
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Jacqueline Chase|Oct 7, 2019
Oh Stewart, my heart breaks for you and your children. I know there is little comfort anyone can truly offer you at this time. Please know, - with the long road of longing ahead - you are never alone in your grief. One of my favorite memories is the time we cruised to Raleigh to watch Die Antwoord live (a group too strange for most, but not Andrew of course). I will always admire his appreciation for good fun and music. Andrew remains an unforgettable mentor and friend to me. 💔
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