karen jallos|Aug 26, 2023
Just thank you all for honoring your Mum today, friend, Toddy, neighbor, family, Ferris Todd today, and opening your great grandfather'e cottage, (1917 built), on the sunny shore of Douglas Lake following years and years of family gatherings. Soooo many cousins, friends and all welcome??!! Ferris really got what mattered and she was taken for too soon. Thank you for a chance to feel we could communicate with her vibrant spirit once and more again.
P.S. Since Ferris was such a bookie!!! What Dan are the books that you reread with her passion?? She ruled in book worlds and inspired all of us!!!
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Margaret Friis|Jun 24, 2023
I’m sorry I was unable to join you all last night for the virtual celebration of your Mom. She was a dear friend and a wise woman…I think of her often.
My friend Cindy Cox Hoehn was in attendance last night and shared her experience with me. Cindy also mentioned the wonderful photo montage that includes a photo of Ferris with Karen Silins and Carolyn Chapin Strandberg. Is it possible to get a copy of that photo to share with Carolyn? She has been dealing with cervical cancer for 6+ years and we know she would love to see that memory. I hope you all are doing well. With love, Margaret ❤️
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