karen Oddi|May 2, 2020
Abiding prayers for Fr. John, and for his family and caregivers.
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Karen Hazard|May 2, 2020
I just learned of Father John’s inspiring story from a friend. His willingness to unite his suffering and his very life to Christ is beautiful. He is indeed another Christ giving his life willingly for others. Just as Jesus was surrounded by angels during his passion, I know that they surround Fr. John now. Jesus and our Blessed Mother must love him so very much. I too will unite my prayers, my sufferings , my acts done out of love with those of Fr. John for the victims of abuse . You are so right, we tend to forget they need our prayers always.
Thank you for the gift of your son to the Church. We so desperately need these examples to inspire us and give us courage and hope. You and your family are in our prayers.
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Karen Miller|Apr 28, 2020
I'm going to share a story, Father. I have occasionally walked my dog over a 5 yr period with a hostile, cynical ex-Catholic who gets agitated re: any discussion of the Church. Last week I was sharing your story of sacrifice for the victims of sexual abuse and she shouted, "That priest would be better off doing something concrete to help the poor rather than praying!" to which I replied, "You don't know that." The next day, I received the following text from this woman:

"I want to apologize for my rude and inappropriate comments re: the priest who was willing to atone for other people's sins. I hadn't realized how much the betrayals within the church on so many levels had inculcated my thinking. I need to do a good solid reassessment of how I feel. Again I'm sorry. That priest certainly deserved better."

Father Hollowell, I read this note through tears; it was a remarkable awareness for this woman. Thank you for the testimony of your life, Father. There is fruit from your example (and I believe there will be more fruit) beyond sexual abuse victims. God bless you.
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Pamela Record|Apr 27, 2020
I'm glad Fr. John is doing so well. I pray that he does well going forward. Prayers are continuing Father. God Bless you.
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MICHAEL Y|Apr 27, 2020
Praise God & his mother Maryj
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Ron Simeone|Apr 27, 2020
My friends and I on the east coast are praying throughout the day for Father. We only know about him thru social media. Has there been a fund established that will directly assist Father? #AveMaria
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Barbara Morrison|Apr 26, 2020
How is Father John? Praying🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻
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Cindy Pike|Apr 25, 2020
I’m from Annunciation and was wondering if there’s been any updates on how Father is doing since our first update after his second surgery. He continues to be in my prayers daily. Come Holy Spirit
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james connolly|Apr 25, 2020
Fr. Holloway is a great and holy priest. I pray for him daily. I thank God for him. His homilies and presentations are outstanding; they tell the truth. Oh, how the Church need thousands more holy and good priests like Fr. John. He is such a blessing from God to the Church. Deo gratias.
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Susana Rosende|Apr 25, 2020
Thank you, Jesus! I am happy to hear that Father John's most recent surgery went well. I have been following Father John Hollowell on Catholic Twitter and Facebook and watching his live-streamed Masses and prayers. He is not only a good and Holy Priest but an inspiration to us all in this time of strife in the world. I will continue to keep Father John in my prayers. God bless him and all Holy Priests always.
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