Jane Furey|Jan 14, 2023
Derek, I thank you for giving Faith such a happy life and for loving her completely. You had a really beautiful marriage. Through it all your house was an easy place to be. No matter what was going on and how much you were doing you were always kind and welcoming, not to mention funny. That was one of your many true gift to Faith and you have brought multi tasking to a whole new level! Through it all You and Caitlyn, Tommy and Megan were all amazing, each in your own way. Faith’s end of life and funeral was as beautiful as it was tragic. There are no words to say how much I miss Faith, so I will just say I love you all very much 💜💛💜!
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MaryLynn Reardon|Jan 12, 2023
Derek, such beautiful words. I read this to Mike, he said Derek is an amazing person. I’m lucky to call him a friend. You’re an amazing father, husband, son, brother,and friend. I can see why Faith loved you so. With all you have had to endure you still check in with us Reardon’s to see how we are. You’re both amazing parents a great mom and dad. Your kids are so strong , beautiful. And courageous. The Reardon’s are blessed to have you in our lives. I miss Faith and think of her everyday. A beautiful woman inside and out. Her strength class and courage has been a template for myself to follow. She also taught me not to sweat the small stuff. We love you ♥️
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David Landeck|Jan 11, 2023
Derek, to you Caitlyn, Tommy and Megan: Respect! I have never seen such tireless courage as the Haley family showed through this ordeal. Every time, from the first diagnosis, through treatment to the open casket you all, Faith included, made the principled and gutsy call. I know you guys are really beat up and you will be for some time … a long time. All these same people are still here for you. You’ve lived a good, principled and courageous life, you passed that on to those of us who are privileged to know you and, basically, although I know you’ll pay it forward forever, in my mind, you paid in advance. Respect!
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Ellen Dufford|Jan 11, 2023
Beautiful words, Derek - spoken from your heart. Your love for each other is what any couple wishes that they could have. Thinking of you and your family always. ❤️ Ellen and Jim
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Shannon Rittberg|Jan 11, 2023
Derek you and Faith have created such a beautiful family. Her legacy lives on with all of you. We continue to keep all of you in our hearts and prayers 💕💕💕
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Nilla Kuse|Jan 11, 2023
You are amazing!!!! That was so beautiful! She couldn’t have been any luckier to have you and your beautiful family by her side …you were her everything and she will always be by your side watching over you all! Your love was one of a kind and it was always present ….a love like that will live on forever. I’m so happy to have you all and to have had the joy of loving Faith. She will forever be missed and always be a part of us. Please know that we are always thinking of you all each day and always here for you!!!
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Beth Danella|Jan 11, 2023
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Valerie Segal|Jan 10, 2023
Derek you are an exquisite human being. It’s no wonder our Faith found in you her true and forever love. Your devotion, dedication, and care for Faith will never be forgotten. I am so thankful for you in her life. I wish you endless health and (eventually) joy — so that you continue forward and share all that love with your three kiddos who so love and need you 💗 I am here for whatever you may need and will always be a proud Furey/Haley team member.
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Mary Jane Sten|Jan 10, 2023
Dear Derek and family,
I'm sorry I didn't get home during your time of sorrow. I thought about you all often, and came here daily, to keep abreast of the situation. I'm with you in thought, and send my love and prayers...I love and miss you all, and hope to get home one day soon. Stay strong dear Godson.
God loves you and so do I. 💙
Love, Aunt Mary Jane 💙
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Amy Fischetti|Jan 10, 2023
Beautifully said Derek! Yes, Faith was so easy to love so it was so easy for all of us to be there for her and her family. She was an amazing wife, mom, sister, aunt and friend! I miss her every day! The way that you adored her, loved her, took care of her, laughed with her and at times at her (LOL) always touched my heart! You were a good team and lucky to have one another. You are a good man Derek Haley- a good husband, father, son, brother and friend! Always remember that! Faith is forever in our hearts and thoughts! We will always be here to walk this journey with you and the kids! 💛💛💛
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