Gay Stiskin|Oct 24, 2018
I just saw Everett’s story. How’s the little guy doing so far? The close bond between mother and baby was designed by our loving Creator. King David credited God with bringing him “out of the womb” and making him feel secure in his mother’s embrace. He prayed: I have been entrusted to your care from birth; from my mothers womb, you have been my God.” (Psalm 22:9,10)
If God created such a complex system to ensure that a human mother will tenderly observe her baby and respond to the infant’s needs, does it not seem logical that God also takes a personal interest in us, “the children of God”? Acts 17:29
Few of us pay attention to every small bird we see, let alone notice when one of them falls to the ground. But our Heavenly Father notices each one of them! And birds —-even many birds—-are never worth more to him than a human. The lesson, therefore, is clear: You should “have no fear” that God does not notice you. On the contrary, he is deeply interested in you! Matthew 10:29-31
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Brenda Rayla|Jul 20, 2018
Just found out this little trouper is going into surgery! I am sending prayers and thoughts to you. Please let me know if there is anything you need. You all have this! Lean on each other.
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Dawn Adams|Jul 20, 2018
So wonderful to hear this update. Please know that your CommunityWx family has been praying for your family all morning. We look forward to additional updates and cannot wait until you finally get to hold him in your arms again post op.
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