Christopher Jencks|Jan 19, 2019
Dear Erik -- I wish we had had a chance to talk about all this before the end felt so imminent. But know that you have taught me more in the past month about how to think about death than I had imagined possible. For that I will, I hope, be grateful until the last. Sandy
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Cressida Lui|Jan 19, 2019
My deepest, tearful gratitude to you, Erik, for everything you have done over many years and for so generously sharing your reflections, struggles and feelings with us in your entries. Thanks for your wonderfully loud celebration of life. May your time ahead continue to be filled with love, peace and comfort. Love you dearly.
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Becca Krantz|Jan 19, 2019
Thinking of you, Erik, and wishing you ease as you make this journey. Much love, Becca
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Josh Lerner|Jan 19, 2019
Erik, I know this blog is largely about death, but I continue to learn and reflect so much on its meaning for life, and how to live it. I appreciate the perspective shift on how very privileged we are, and how to ground ourselves in that privilege of existence and experience as we interact with the history taking place around us, and by us. Thank you.
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Paul Dudenhefer|Jan 19, 2019
Thinking of you, Erik, and I'm grateful that I met and worked with you. Your essay and book on anti-capitalism will be a inspiring guide. Indeed, I had been around free marketeers so much that I had wondered if there were any people still left with thoughtful alternatives. I'm glad I found you and them.
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Soraya Sus|Jan 19, 2019 (edited)
I have been following you since before I registered here. Colleen your sister is our family here in Gainesville. I’m a still hopeful that I will meet you someday I’m a still hopeful that you will live. I don’t know you and I love you. Thanks for sharing and thank you for existing.
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Haris Golemis|Jan 19, 2019
What a wonderful person you are, Eric. How happy surely are the members of your family and your close friends to have shared a part of their lives with you.
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Joshua Hurtado Hurtado|Jan 19, 2019
Dear Erik, my heart goes out to you and your family. Again, we have never personally met, but your influence has certainly changed the course of my life and of the things I thought were both desirable and feasible. The words you have been writing have been truly inspiring, and it seems to me that I may learn as much from these blog posts as from your academic work. Love and best wishes, Joshua.
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Brian Griffeath-Loeb|Jan 19, 2019
My friend Erik - You've been continuously in my thoughts, and my heart, and will remain there till my dust follows yours back into the cosmos. Whether in a day, a year, or 50, this post will guide that journey just as your recorded stories once carried me off to sleep as a child. Clarity and radiance. Still boy wonder. So much love.
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Michelle Williams|Jan 19, 2019
Dear Erik, You are amazing! Vish and I are totally inspired, moved, and dazed by you and your reflections. You continue to teach us so much about life, love, sharing, and being engaged in the world we live. Thank you for everything. With much love and admiration, Michelle and Vish
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