Matt Vidal|Dec 29, 2018
Oh, Erik. So deeply saddened to hear this. We are sending love to you and Marcia.

Matt and Ellen
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Stefan Svallfors|Dec 29, 2018
Dear Erik,

I am so very sorry to read this, all best from me and Erica. I knew that the lack of news for the last days meant trouble, but it is still hard to fathom. Feels like yesterday you were here at our house. Hug Marcia from us.
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Kerem Morgul|Dec 28, 2018 (edited)
I am praying for you Erik, like so many others for whom you’ve been a major influence either directly or through your writings. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was talking with my dad— a revolutionary socialist who spent several years behind the bars — about the importance of translating your books on real utopias into Turkish. There is so much more you can teach us all, and I like to think that many years from now you’ll be telling your grandchildren how your doctor’s grim prognosis turned out to be false.
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Mary Jo Maynes|Dec 28, 2018
Dear Eriki! We were worried, like others, by the lack of news ... This post is so hard to read ... There's nothing we can think of to say right now, except that - we're here with Dan and Jen and we all send our love to you all.
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Pamela Oliver|Dec 28, 2018
Dear Erik,
I've been afraid this was coming, but just feel so terribly sad. You are such a mensch and such a wonderful colleague. You have done a lot for us in the past year alone. Yes, I can help with logistics about things in the office. I'll have more time in the spring term because I'll be teaching a half load. You don't need to worry. The big thing would be to tell us which things you want saved for specific others. We can handle the rest.
With love for you and Marcia and your family and all the people who care about you.
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Mansoor moaddel|Dec 28, 2018
Dear Erik,
I am deeply saddened to read this entry. To me, you have always been not only a towering intellect but a remarkable human being as well--someone who inspires and energies. Without doubt, you have been a grand source of emulation. My heart goes to you, Marcia, and the rest of your family. I am still hopeful--extraordinary things do happen.
With much love,
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Rodolfo Elbert|Dec 28, 2018
Querido Erik, te mando un gran abrazo y mucha fuerza.
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Gay Seidman|Dec 28, 2018
Can’t find words. Sending so much love, to all of you.
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Janeen Baxter|Dec 28, 2018
Erik - this is devastating news. So hard to believe that you were here in Brisbane with us just a few short months ago before any of this was diagnosed. You have been such a wonderful mentor and friend and I have learned so much from you. Our first trip to Madison in 1987 to work with you was life changing. I’m thinking of you, Marcia and the family every day and hoping for a miracle.
Hugs and much love
Janeen xxxx
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Wallly Rosenthal|Dec 28, 2018
There really are no words that I can find to express my feelings when I read your latest message. Even my tears, my uncontrolled sobs are merely a physical expression. This much I can say, you have always been that mindful presence on my shoulder ever since our trip together in late August, 1963.

I’ll try to communicate soon when I can better tell you what you probably already know is in my heart.
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