Dionne Myers|Mar 29, 2024
The sigh of the heart is a prayer, in and of itself. You are loved and cared for...we hold you, Kevin and Maggie in our hearts and you're in our prayers. We remember Elowyn, her joy, her smile, and as an image bearer of Christ. She truly showed us His love. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
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Beth Cockrel|Mar 29, 2024
Oh, Paige ... shedding tears here, but it's really good to hear from you. I continue to think of you guys so often. It feels weird to say how often Elowyn's sweet face pops into my mind, when I never even had the chance to meet her in person. She — and you, Kevin and Maggie —became so dear to me as you shared your journey with the huge community of us who have cared. You and Kevin have been so gracious all along to share your hearts so openly and honestly. So thanks for letting us know how you're doing. You will be on my heart this weekend especially.
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Carolyn Kiess|Mar 29, 2024
Dearest Paige and Kevin and Maggie,
Every day I think of you and ask God to heal your hearts. Often I hear sweet Elowyn's giggle and see her beautiful smile.
I realize you are not ready yet, but I hope you will be with all of us who love you in church some Sunday.
There is no timeline for grieving and that is okay. You are loved right where you are. Know God has his arms around you. Prayers are said for you to uphold you.
Have a Blessed Easter.
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Connie Ruyter|Mar 29, 2024
Paige, I think of you and your family often! Knowing your grief will never go over, but praying that you will come to a place that joy travels on the same track as the grief. My friend Ruth, and our 4 other friends in our Bible Study still think of Elowyn, and all the prayers that were prayed. Sometimes when we are having a really tough time understanding the complexity of God’s goodness versus the evil in the world, Ruth or I always end up saying, “Elowyn” or the “Elowyn Effect”. We think of her often and it reminds us to pray for you, Kevin, Maggie, Kathleen and your family! May God’s mercy be with you all!
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Becky Buell|Mar 29, 2024
Beautiful Paige… my heart hurts so deeply for you and this painful mysterious journey. Thank you for sharing your suffering and your thoughts and I pray that somehow in sharing the burden is shouldered by others whose hearts are with you even when it must feel so lonely much of the time. Lord, be merciful and show your deep compassion as one truly familiar with suffering. Comfort and heal as only you can.
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Tara Singh|Mar 29, 2024
I’m still praying for you all and will continue to. Thank you for sharing your heart ♥️
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Allie Ramsey|Mar 29, 2024
Oh Paige, just crying so much here reading your words. Thank you for sharing your heartbroken heart.
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gwen mansfield|Mar 29, 2024
Dearest Paig-er, you and your family are always in my heart and prayers. Your words release me to humbly grieve with you. These honest updates guide me on your painful journey, allowing me to breathe a prayer of hope when, perhaps, you cannot. I love you.
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Hannah Recinella|Mar 29, 2024
Thank you for opening up your heart to all of us once again as you walk through these dark, lonely days. I wish there was some way to bear a bit of this pain for you so you’d have less to shoulder on your own. Instead, I can only say that you are seen and that we will lift you up in prayer, especially today, as we meditate on Christ’s own suffering and death. I love the line from Corrie ten Boom “no matter how deep our darkness, He is deeper still.” I’m praying that He comes to you this weekend and sits in the darkness with you. Maybe even makes the darkness ever so slightly lighter. God be with you—all three. So much love from the Recinellas ❤️
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Jennifer Engstrom|Mar 29, 2024
We think of you often. Just this afternoon we were filling eggs at church and I remembered sweet Maggie at church last year.

Holy Saturday tomorrow. When Christ himself harrowed hades to break the bonds of death. How I wish that death had been completely abolished already so this pain would never have visited you. At the stations of the cross service today there was one section very heavy with Mary’s feelings. She can surely relate to your grief.

I am lifting you in prayer and missing your sweet family and darling little one.
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