Scott Silberstein|Feb 22, 2020
I find new inspirations every week here with you Kelly. Thank you. Much love and light.
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Patricia McDonald|Feb 22, 2020
I stumbled across your blog at this time in my life (I'm 85) when I needed your words very much. Being elderly, much time is spent in reflection. Front and center every day are thoughts of my exquisitely adorable five year old great granddaughter's battle with leukemia and what that has done to her young parents, her brother and those of us who love them so much. Thank you for your beautiful words and thoughts.
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Ellen Kosty Moderhack|Feb 22, 2020
You inspire me each and every week...the selected readings and quotes, your humor, your highs and lows. It helps me brush myself off and give it another go, because there's so much love to share. Knowing and believing. And giving. May the warm of the sun today fill your hearts with all that is Nora.
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Samantha Bennett|Feb 21, 2020
Love you so. And dude - you get a total +1 from me for the burpees. I do CrossFit and those suuuuuck. While, over time and with practice, burpees get easier, they never become easy. Draw your own analogy : )
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Debbie Ruzicka|Feb 21, 2020
I am checking in with you from time to time. Your journey is a kind of leadership, in understanding and processing grief, and being open with your experience of it. It touches me to my soul.
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