Angelina Horst|Jun 13, 2016
Thank you so much for your words, your honesty, and your willingness to let us to travel this path with you, Dwight, and Mark. We are so grateful.
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Eve Wemett|Jun 13, 2016
Thank you Margaret Your ability to express yourself was wonderful and much appreciated
May the loving Lord bless you and Mark as you adjust to your new life .
Eve Wemett.
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Ken and Bonnie Fenton|Jun 13, 2016
Thank you, Margaret, for your loving care of Dwight, and for keeping us "in the loop" so effectively through these years with your insightful Caring Bridge posts. You and Mark are loved!
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Monique Timberlake-Brady|Jun 13, 2016
Thank you so much for allowing us to tag along on your journey. God bless you and Mark on this new normal. I shall miss these nightly missives as well.
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Margaret Adam|Jun 12, 2016
Oh Margaret, I will miss YOU so much! It's meant the world, of course, to be connected to Dwight through your gift of daily news, but I also love hearing from you, seeing glimpses of life through your eyes, and walking with you in prayer. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself along the way. Please know that I do, and will continue to, pray for you.
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Joyce Munro|Jun 12, 2016
Thanks for putting this sacred journey into words and making a community of us.
I give you my hand of peace now.
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A K M Adam|Jun 12, 2016
Thank you so much, Margaret, for writing this sweet, sad epic narrative for us. This has been so much a part of daily life — from the first mornings Margaret and I would wake up, and whoever woke first would say, before anything else, "Dwight's still alive!" to watching the service in Pennsylvania to listening to you for these most recent months — that you (and Dwight, of course) will have defined a whole swath of our lives. God's grace and peace be with you and Mark, and remember we have a room for you any time.

(My love to Mark A., and thanks to him for his part yesterday)
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Diane Spencer|Jun 12, 2016
Thank you, Margaret, for sharing Dwight's, Mark's and your journey with us. I will greatly miss reading your stories every night before I go to bed. The night I read that Dwight died, I opened a beer (scotch is not my thing), and turned on my favorite Bruce Cockburn albums in Dwight's honor. I'll always cherish the memories I have of Dwight and will look forward to a wonderful reunion someday.
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Sandy Haney|Jun 12, 2016
Thank you, Margaret, for allowing us to share in this day by reading your beautifully composed narration. Thank you, Margaret (and Mark), for allowing us to share in your lives not just through opening your home but also through this blog. It has been a privilege to accompany you. With you, we will continue to miss Dwight, but we do rejoice that someday we will indeed see Dwight "run and not be weary." May God bless you both as you begin the journey of what comes next.
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Debbie Larsen|Jun 12, 2016
You are amazing! What an inspiration you are to me/us as we have read and followed you through this journey. May God bless you as you go out on your next adventures.
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