Linda Ekstrom|Apr 10, 2019
Sorry for your loss, Shirley. Now Duane is no longer in pain and with God.
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Darlene Isaacson|Apr 10, 2019
I know you are comforted knowing Duane is now in the presence of God. But my heart feels for your loss of your soulmate and best friend. Praying for God's comfort, courage, and strength as you go forward. Much love.
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Susan Gallagher|Apr 10, 2019
Shirley, Matt and family and Brian and family....wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart. Tom and I are very glad to say we had Duane as a friend.
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cats12Sheri Heck|Apr 10, 2019
You have been on my mind today. So sorry for your loss. At least Duane isn't suffering any more. Praying for you Shirley and your family.
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Sherry Pratt|Apr 10, 2019
So sorry to hear this news. Praying for you and your family🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Carolyn Thompson|Apr 10, 2019
Shirley, Brian & Family and Matt & Family, We are so very sorry to receive the news about Duane. He has battled so hard and long. He was such a wonderful man and he will be missed so much by all of us. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Larry & Carolyn
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Carol Voss|Apr 10, 2019
Oh, Shirley, my heart just breaks for all of you. Duane battled so long and so hard and so well, but as you said, God definitely gained a beautiful new soul today in heaven. I'm hoping that you can feel God's comforting arms around you. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.
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Marilyn Forstrom|Apr 10, 2019
I cherish the afternoon the three of us got to play "Garbage". :-) I pray that your cherished memories of Duane will be a comfort to you all and an inspiration to his beloved grandchildren, William, Collin and Abby!
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Mark and Sue Anderson|Apr 10, 2019
What a fighter Duane has been through the battle and what a testimony to the faith, peace and hope that Christ gives us in this temporary life on earth. Now Duane is where we all want to be some day! Praying for you, dear Shirley, as you deal with this huge change in your life!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Mark and Sue Anderson|Apr 10, 2019
What a fighter Duane has been through the battle and what a testimony to the faith, peace and hope that Christ gives us in this temporary life on earth. Now Duane is where we all want to be some day! Praying for you, dear Shirley, as you deal with this huge change in your life!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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