Donna Denison|Feb 12, 2020
Hooray Donna!! What great news; God is surly Great! I know you will make an informed decision about taking the new medicine. Doctors have your best interests in mind, but ultimately any choice regarding added medications belongs to you. Please let me know what you decide.
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Chris Jones|Feb 10, 2020
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Carissa Ralbovsky|Feb 10, 2020
Yahoo! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers, thanks for sharing the good news and for highlighting God's provision along the way. It's a hard road to walk but you've been doing it with grace and strength. You are amazing and we love you! - The Ralbovskys
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Beth Kastler Wagner|Feb 9, 2020
Rejoicing with you in hearing your great news! Praise the Lord!!! Praying for you for wisdom in your decision.
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anita turdo|Feb 8, 2020
Follow you heart and do what feels right for you. In the meantime visit Florida, enjoy the sunshine and be at peace.
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Caroline Delli Bovi|Feb 8, 2020
Great news. So happy for you. 🙏❤️
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Carol Miner|Feb 8, 2020
Awesome news
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Lisa Scali|Feb 8, 2020
So glad to hear your wonderful news! Maybe when you are up to it you can contact me. 🥰❤️💕😊
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Janet Sprinkle|Feb 8, 2020
Praises to our LORD GOD, amen. Have a safe and wonderful trip to Florida.
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Anne Sikora|Feb 8, 2020
Thank God!!!! I am so SO happy for you 😁💕
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