AJ Wipper|Jan 25, 2019
Hi Nick,
I was a friend of Dom’s - though we fell out of touch a few years ago. I got a message from a friend last night that said, “Sorry to hear about Dom.” I had no idea about any of this until last night.
I know the words “I’m so sorry” don’t alleviate any of the excruciating pain you and your loved ones are suffering right now. But maybe knowing that your son made a difference in my life will at least feel validating. Dom was a sweetheart and so much fun to hang out with.
I met him back in 2008 at the Gay 90’s and we became friends after running into each other on a frequent basis. He was always someone I enjoyed seeing. His smile lit up the room. I always managed to persuade him to hit the dance floor at the clubs with me whenever my favorite song came on.
I will never forget him. Even though we fell out of touch, I thought about him often and I think that says something about what a bright light he was while he was here.
I’m sure that light is still shining now...even if it is out of our reach. Sending all my positive energy to you and yours. I’ll be sure to attend the celebration of his life. Thank you for bringing a wonderful person into this world and sharing him with others. ❤️
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Britta Marrinan|Jan 25, 2019
Thank you for sharing your heart, your pain, your hopes with us on this journey. It is sacred ground.
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Mark Marrinan|Jan 25, 2019
You are without question one of the bravest, most courageous men I have ever known. Your soul is huge and wise, your heart, like mine, is shattered into pieces, and yet your strength and courage and faith have carried you valiantly through two horrific experiences and unprecedented losses. You write with beauty and grace, and have done so under the most extremely painful circumstances. There is much we can and should have learned from you as you pushed through this. I send you so much love Nick. Your children are blessed to have such an incredible, brave, wise, tender, loving father as you are........Peace, my friend...........see you soon.
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Linda Reinhart|Jan 25, 2019
Nick, you have a way of creating a clear vision with your words. You drew us all into Dominic's battle with great empathy as well as great sympathy. Keep writing Nick. Even without an audience. Perhaps your own vision will come into focus; a bit clearer with each passing day. God Bless You - now more than ever. Take good care of yourself.
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Winnie Opp|Jan 25, 2019
Nick and all of Dominics family and friends, I am so so very sorry for your loss. We on PB2000 we’re so blessed to take care of Dominic and your family while you were there. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering that your heart is going through. I pray your memories of Dominic bring you comfort during your hardest days. You are an amazing Dad for standing beside him, even though you so badly wished it wasn’t your family going through this. Please know we don’t forget patients like Dominic. He touched many of us nurses lives and will forever remind us another reason why we are apart of this professsion.

All the comfort I can give,

Winnie Opp
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Cathy Skoglund|Jan 25, 2019
Right now, my words feel so inadequate. I want to scream and shake my fist along with you. I never got the chance to meet Dominic, but thru your beautiful words, I got to know him just a little. What a wonderful son. When the dust settles, know that you have many friends that will continue to lift you in prayer, as they have been for many months. Love you.
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