Leslie Hagen|Jul 23, 2023
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Barbara Zopfi|Jul 22, 2023
Kelly- thank you for brining us along on Dianne’s journey the past 16 months. I don’t know that I could have done it . The remembrance you gave us about your mom yesterday was so endearing and served as a reminder about how we should all live our lives. Our thoughts are with you, Ryan and Charles as you now begin the next chapter in your life, as Dianne would have wanted you to. Grieve, Remember and Life goes on.
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bronda goates|Jul 22, 2023
The service was beautiful and so personal just like your sweet mom❤️
I felt the love of your mom all around gifted from our Father in heaven. I can just see her in deep conversation with Jesus and busy decorating her mansion just like Cindi shared with us in her closing remarks.
Thank you once again for keeping us all united in prayer, thought and even joy during Dianne’s illness and now journey to her eternal home.
Her legacy will live on and on thru her precious family, friends and all those she has impacted.
What a Princess Warrior she was!
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Tracie Hollis|Jul 22, 2023
The celebration was lovely and your mom Definitely was a "Princess Warrior" who loved fearlessly! Be comforted by our prayers and the certain promise of her eternal life with Christ!
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Gwen Vial|Jul 22, 2023
Kelly, Your mom’s Celebration of Life epitomized who she truly was, the BEST wife, mother, Nana, friend, and, most of all, Princess Warrior for her king, our mighty God. I guarantee that every…single…person there went away inspired to “Live Like Dianne.” What a life! What a journey! I will miss my friend, and I will be praying for all of you as you return to your lives without her. What a legacy she leaves in all of you! 🙏🏻❤️
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Nancy Borden|Jul 22, 2023
Wow! What a beautiful eulogy! Your Mom would be so moved and proud of you. Your words are inspiring and make me want to be more fun! Praying for peace and comfort for your entire family. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙏❤️
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