Denis Carroll|Mar 5, 2021
You could have shown them your draft card to get quicker access for your shots. But unfortunately as I remember it, I think we burned our draft cards in Van Cortlandt park at about 4 in the morning after leaving Darby's and loading up on Marty's donuts. We sure were rebels. Good to hear that things are stabilized. Stay strong.
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John Reece|Feb 16, 2021
Hey Dennis, What a GREAT GOOD NEWS message, despite the challenges of getting your first vaccine shots. BTW you have always been innovative and great at finding ways to circumvent the bureaucracy.

Best of all your cancer is in remission and under positive control. Also that you and Janet are progressing peacefully through your 4th decade together--BTW Judy and I are rapidly approaching 3 score..... What understanding and supportive bricks we had the good fortune to marry.

Keep us posted my friend. We follow your progress with great anticipation.........
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Malcolm Shaw|Feb 16, 2021
Nothing beats good news except more good news way to go Dennis
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steve tarnok|Feb 16, 2021

42 years!!! Janet is a saint or else she broke 6 mirrors. Encouraging news on the testing front. Keep the faith.

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