Patti Patellis|Apr 10, 2023
We send many prayers and much love to Demetrios and you Glykeria. God and Panagia are right there with you. Praise God for Demetrios’ progress. We pray you have a blessed Pascha with your beautiful family.


Nico & Maria Patrikia Patellis
Glykeria Hadjisimos|Apr 6, 2023
Thank you so much for your wishes and encouraging sentiments! Demetrios' face lights up when I read these to him... be blessed always!
Suzanne Busbee|Apr 6, 2023
Love & continued prayers for Demetrius, Glykeria, & family! My son, Grant, was a patient with Demetrius at the Shepherd Center. (Grant is 30 & often wore the GA Bulldogs’ shirts) he is much better & doing continued tele-health therapy at Pathways. We enjoy reading your Caring Bridge posts. This week’s post about Loving Your Enemies spoke to my heart & I so appreciate you sharing it! Happy Easter to all of you!
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Ramona Panos Constantaras|Apr 6, 2023
Να’στε καλα. Love the photos. Thank you for this beautiful message. Καλώ Πάσχα 💕🙏 we love you! 😘
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Angela Alessandroni|Apr 6, 2023
So good to hear from you! We hope you all have blessed Holy Week and Pascha! God bless Demetrios, Glykeria and your dear family. Fr. Tom and Presbyter Angela
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