kathy bulow|Jan 25, 2021
Pastor Hahn sent me that wonderful book after he learned of my beloved husbands death,already two years ago today. He was as a special person,he cared,he made many visits to my home while I recuperated,he will be missed.He truly was a man of God.
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Deb Stang|Jan 25, 2021
Thank you sharing Pastor Hahn with us and providing us with updates. Even though those of us who are left behind are saddened, he finally has all the answers and is with Marilyn, the love of his life! Our loss is truly his gain!
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Dee Pederson|Jan 25, 2021
I love that little book; how fitting. Prayers, love, and sympathy go out to all of you. God bless Delwayne's memory among us. +
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Kris Miller|Jan 25, 2021
Pastor Hahn will surely be missed by all of his friends at Grace Lutheran Church. He blessed us in so many, many ways with his love for ministry, our church and it's people, and all of God's people. While our hearts are sad learning of his death, we are comforted knowing that he is no longer suffering and he rests in peace in a glorious place with his love, Marilyn.
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Debbie Jorgens|Jan 25, 2021 (edited)
I heard Delwayne read this book during a funeral at Grace, and I as I read the words in your post, I could hear his voice. After a dear friend and colleague died a couple of years ago, Delwayne came to my office with words of comfort and "The Next Place" in his hands. He asked me to give the book to my friend's family, which I found so incredibly touching since he had never met any of them. But that's the kind of guy he was. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to know him and work with him. May God comfort you and give you peace as you grieve Delwayne's death and give thanks for his remarkable life.
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Bob and Wanda Moline|Jan 25, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. He was a great person.
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Ann Marie Lotridge|Jan 25, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Know we love you and will continue to lift the entire family in prayer.
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Janet Gill|Jan 25, 2021
Besutiful!. Hugs!
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