Twila Charles|Mar 16, 2020
While you struggle with the hard times, you continue to share the truth of God's love and His desire to bring healing and wholeness to all people. Your witness of His healing in your life, your prayers for others/the world, speak loudly. I thank God for you and pray for healing, pain to lessen/subside, and for those who are providing you and your family with the care you need! A gentle hug for you, my dear friend!
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Linda Bowers|Mar 15, 2020
I thank God you have the care you do! I'll pay you get over this latest development soon. I am staying home also since my breathing is compromised.
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Dee Rothrock|Mar 13, 2020
Pleased you decided to visit ER and grateful you were evaluated and now home. Will continue to pray for your speedy recovery. Blessings and love!
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