Amy Allmendinger Brisley|Apr 29, 2024
Danny, thank you for sharing your journey with us. You have endures the unimaginable and with God's love and mercy have come out on the other side. The joy Violet brings you is such a sweet blessing. Best to you in your retirement.!
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Cynthia Latham|Apr 29, 2024
What a special way to recall Dawn to our memory while simultaneously updating us about you and Violet. The timing fits perfectly with Sue Christiansen's sharing time at Wednesday Women which focused on Dawn. Thanks for sharing some of your reflections with Sue which were then passed on to us. So good to hear...
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Linda Herman|Apr 23, 2024
Thank you Daniel! Your update/photos are almost like a little visit and we do miss you so. Just to say that...your name frequently comes up at PSC and your imprint is everywhere, especially in our hearts. I add my plea to the others....please continue to write...early and often....wherever, and whatever you please. Fondly from, Linda Herman
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Ann Orchard|Apr 23, 2024
Thank you, Daniel, for posting this. I think of Dawn every Easter, knowing she tried so hard to make it to that day . I’m grateful to have gotten to know her better on our 2013 trip to Israel. I’m also grateful for her allowing us to share in her journey as she was drawn out of this world. She ministered to so many of us in how she approached the end of her life on this earth.
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Darren Chick|Apr 23, 2024
Thank you -- for this reminder of grief and redemption. The mention of hair twirled by the ear brought a smile to my heart, and the photos you shared present two people (and others) who pressed forward. May you continue to "see Dawn," be overwhelmed by joy, and live fully in your journey. Until He comes, blessings.
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Chris May|Apr 23, 2024
Thank you sharing your heart with us--you are indeed a gifted writer! Yes, grief is love's shadow but I am glad Jesus has given you joy "in the midst:" a beautiful daughter who looks so much like Dawn and new people to love. May the Lord satisfy your desires. Blessings and love from Chris and Doug, too
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Tom Christiansen|Apr 22, 2024
It is a treasure to remember and honor Dawn, such a beautiful, brilliant and spiritually wise woman, I recently re-read her book, Ten Ways to Pray:a long history of talking with God…and spoke about her writing at a meeting of women at Meetinghouse Church/Colonial in Edina, MN. The study of her book during Lent this year meant so much to me and has greatly enhanced my spiritual life. I would recommend it highly. It is available on Amazon. Daniel, she would be so touched with your words and heartfelt prayer. Sue and Tom Christiansen
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Diana Bennett|Apr 22, 2024
Daniel, it's very hard to believe it's been 5 yrs. Loved Dawn! We had such good times at PSC and her book "Ten Ways to Pray" sits in my bookcase where I often glance at it. I'm using it in my spiritual friendship group for the prayer exploration. Violet is lovely and growing up quickly. Thrilled you have a beautiful partner now to share life. Jo!y from Diana and Pete
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Jen & Kyle Vogan|Apr 22, 2024
Thank you for sharing today - I've been thinking of you and Violet and appreciate the update. And I also so love the idea of reading more from you when you can - I miss your thoughtful and engaging approach! Sending love from Kyle too!
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Richard Nyquist|Apr 22, 2024
God bless you, Daniel and Violet, as you recall your memories of your beloved Dawn and God bless us as we benefit from your insight and reflections, Daniel.
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