Vic C|Aug 13, 2020
Lori, I am so saddened to hear of David’s passing, I just got this news. My heart lifts you and your family in spirit. If there is ever any little thing you need feel free to call 616-813-3858. I live close and I really mean it. Run to the store, sit with the girls, bring bubbles, name it and I will be there. I know asking for help fatigue and decision fatigue are real. I wish I was closer so I could just do helpful things, but for real realz I am a phone call and a few blocks away.
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Susan Frary|Jul 8, 2020
I am saddened to hear of David's passing. He was an amazing, inspiring man! I am so glad I had the oppto attend his seminar! I'm sending so much love and prayers to his family!
Love Susan Frary
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