Steve Pope|Mar 10, 2023
Thank you, Sarah, for your faithful updates. You must be exhausted! You have empowered the prayers of God’s people for our special friend. Now enjoy some rest!
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Jane Merrill|Mar 7, 2023
Danny, we are so relieved and pleased that you are on the mend. What an ordeal. We are still holding you up each and every day. We treasure you. Sarah has been wonderful through all of this. She has managed to keep all of us informed about what is happening with you. We are so thankful for her and that you are home and getting back on track. We will keep the prayers up! Take Care! Pat and Jane Merrill
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Kris Jenott|Mar 7, 2023
Dan'l, I am so glad you are home again and out of the hospital. I pray for you daily and visualize you experiencing perfect health. May God bless you and use you to shine Light outward to all who are near you. May inner peace be yours!
Kris Jenott (Wiley)
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Luba Iliyn|Mar 6, 2023
So good to hear. Dan'l we have been praying for you on a regular basis. So good to hear of your progress. Thanks Sarah for your great update.
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Marlene Rice|Mar 6, 2023
Aloha Dan'l, Sarah's update was wonderful. I am so glad to hear life is starting to get back to normal for you. It has been a long journey for sure. Isn't it wonderful to reflect on the fact that Jesus has been with you the whole way & He's kept you on planet earth because you hv so much more to do for His kingdom. Be blessed my friend. I'm continuing to pray for you!!!
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Jean Kingery|Mar 6, 2023
Appreciate this great update!🙏🏻🥰
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Dan Hazen|Mar 6, 2023
Thanks, Sarah. So glad this chapter is coming to a close, and the next is beginning. Dan'l, you're a rock star....and your daughter is carrying on the family tradition!
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Jack Oppenhuizen|Mar 6, 2023
This is great news. Been praying. Give your Dad a big hug. Thank you for your attentiveness to your Dad, Sarah!
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