Kate Pitchel|Apr 1, 2023
So glad you are back home in your place of comfort. Praying for rest and recovery. Praying boldly as well that the MRI reveals excellent results ❤️❤️❤️
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Ken Perduyn|Mar 31, 2023
Continuing to lift you up in prayer daily. Keep up the fight. God has your back and you will be healed completely.
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Kimberlee Gibson|Mar 31, 2023
Love you, Sis. One day at a time and be a fighter! You are in the arms of Jesus.
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Carolyn Restad|Mar 30, 2023
There's no place like home for rest! Praying for strength and no more side effects! You have a husband who adores you, loves and cherishes you! You two are a good team! Rest, relax and kick this to the curb! Love you guys!❤️
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Alex Martinez|Mar 30, 2023
Glad to hear you are home.....that's a good sign. Keep up the good fight. Rest and peace to you, and carl.
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Lois Joy|Mar 30, 2023
Oh Connie! So glad the worst is behind you! Enjoy being home and quality time with your son! Thinking of you and pray for continued strength!
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Amanda La rosa|Mar 30, 2023
I am glad you are back home where you can heal physically and spiritually

Keep up the good fight
Thoughts and prayers always my friend 💕
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Lisa Young|Mar 30, 2023
Glad to hear about what you’ve been dealing with. So glad those treatments are done!
You’re in my thoughts and prayers!
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Trish Moreland|Mar 30, 2023
I am so glad to hear that she is done with the chemo and radiation treatments !!! Keep fighting Connie!! I love you!! Sending you love and prayers, hugs and healing light....
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Dawna Snow|Mar 29, 2023
Glad to hear you have a month off. May your body heal and you get plenty of rest. I’m proud of you Connie. We are all cheering you on! 🙏🏻
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