kelly Arnold|Apr 2, 2023
Dear Peak Family,
I first met Cindy in my daughter's Hunter's Bend Elementary School as room moms. She had the sweetest smile and we would talk about our families and life in Fieldstone Farms. From time to time I would see her in the grocery store and when one of us was out walking in the neighborhood. She always made me feel like a was a special person to her. I hope she knew how special she was to me.
sending prayers of comfort to her family and all that knew her.
with love and sincerity,
Kelly Arnold
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Amanda Lowrey|Mar 31, 2023
Matthew, Ellie and family,

I met your mom and dad while I was teaching you, Matthew, at Lee-Scott and got to know Ellie a little through school activities. My heart is so broken for you all. Your mom was a sweet, sweet woman with a beautiful family. So sorry for all this pain your family and friends are experiencing. Thoughts and prayers for peace for all of you in this senseless tragedy.
-Mrs. Amanda Lowrey
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Anna Beth Whittington|Mar 31, 2023
I had the privilege of getting to know Cindy when our paths crossed in Auburn in 2014..
Before I even met the Peaks someone told me about their family…that we needed to meet them since they, too, were moving to Auburn and sending their children to the same school we were sending ours to.
One of my favorite memories is of fixing red beans and rice one day and telling Cindy about it. Knowing she had Louisiana roots, I assumed she’d say something like “yum” or “oh I want some” but instead she said “omg I never ever want to have red beans n rice again…ever…I had them every Monday at school growing up” at her school in Leesville. She explained the tradition of red beans n rice on Mondays, a tradition I wasn’t aware of and I too grew up in Louisiana!!! But north Louisiana…very different from south Louisiana.
I can see and hear her saying this with all her mannerisms and intonations!!! Cindy was always honest, real, and genuine!
She was such a giving and supportive wife and mother and friend; one time, my husband, Robert, had pulled an all-nighter to meet a deadline for work; I was teaching and couldn’t go to an out of town baseball game.
Cindy gave him a ride!!! (I think I must’ve gone later…can’t remember details)
He remembers her gladly driving him to the game and letting him sleep on the way.
I would also like to add that Cindy was a classy lady…she had excellent manners, knew how to handle herself well with people from all walks of life.
Cindy is with Jesus now; blessed assurance Jesus is mine and hers and all who trust in Him!
I’ll see you again, Cindy….until then, you’ll be greatly missed. Hebrews 11:1
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Laura Pollock|Mar 30, 2023
I knew Cindy even when she was Miss Broyles. She worked at CPA and was a favorite of all elementary children. She was real, genuine, a loyal friend. She had an infectious laugh. She served so many families by loving on their children, watching them when parents were away. We shared football memories with the Peaks, and Cindy kept the scorebook at countless basketball games, traveling many miles with the team. She was a special part of the CPA family and will be missed in this community. May Jesus himself bring comfort and hope to all of her family. With much love
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Paula Blanton|Mar 29, 2023
I must say, if you didn't know Cindy, you really missed out! What a fun, happy person—but so grounded in her faith! Our family was able to spend so many special times with her—Easter, July 4th, Thanksgivings, —just every day events, too! She traveled with our family to Texas and stayed at my Mom’s house, and the stories….Hola, my name is Lupe! …. She went to Colorado with us and we all rode the pedal boats and bikes and horses in Beaver Creek, I’m sure she was laughing all the time. She taught swimming lessons in our pool and Conor was under the impression that she lived with us! (She didn’t==she was just always there!). When she and Chris started dating, Michael felt like he needed to “vet” him to see if Chris was worthy to date Cindy and asked “what are your intentions”? (HE passed!). We went to the wedding in Fairhope, Alabama, and have walked with them through the birth of all 3 kids. She tutored our kids, loved them, and we are grateful to have shared so many moments with her. She was such a special friend to my sister, Phyllis, and I love her sister, Debbie,, and her husband Bill—such a sweet family. When Katie, her niece, came to Vanderbilt as a freshman, Cindy was ready to step up and have her to our house “every other week” for SATCO night, but we never saw her—typical Broyles girl—she said I’ve got this and am happy! Cindy, thanks for loving my kids,—and so many others —up until the last moments of your life. Your sacrifice doesn’t go unnoticed.. Giving up your life for others is a gift —you gave it all! I love you! Paula
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Mary Jarvis|Mar 29, 2023
Dear Friends-We spent some of the sweetest times of our lives with you. GAA baseball was where we all made fun memories. Your mom was always telling me funny stories as we watched games and we were always creating our way through parenting you 3 and our 3. Those were our early years here where friends like you became family, and we are all so grateful. We love you all, we loved your mama, dearly. May God bring comfort to you.
The Jarvis Family,
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Nita Yarbrough|Mar 29, 2023
Ellie & Family,
My heart is sad today for you all,but, I do know our GOD loves you all and especially your Mom

She is covered under the wings of our Savior.
Nita Yarbrough
Becca Grandmother
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Tommy Nelms|Mar 29, 2023
Cindy was an amazing woman. I had the privilege of being her student as a 3rd grader. That was a long time ago, but she had such an amazing impact on me, even as a child. I still remember a lot of the life lesson she taught me. So sorry for your loss.
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Tammy Barbaro|Mar 29, 2023
Covering all of Cindy’s precious family in prayers and love. May God hold each of you close.
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Tammy Barbaro|Mar 29, 2023
Covering all of Cindy’s precious family in prayers and love. May God hold each of you close.
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