Syd Merz|Jun 9, 2021
So wonderful to see/read this progress. Thank you for sharing with us. Sending big hugs to Christian!
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Joanne Watson|Jun 5, 2021
Thank you Courtney for writing a beautiful story for a truly beautiful child. Prayer is the pathway to everything.
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Jeannine Dyer|Jun 3, 2021
Courtney, thank you for all you do and for such a beautiful update of Christians journey back to us!
Christian i want to tell you how very much you are loved by all. You have been a great inspiration to others and have brought laughter and joy to every room you entered. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be part of your life! You fill my heart with joy and gladness each and every time i see you . May you continue to game n more strength each day ! You are a champion!!!! loved by so many!
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Gail Brown|Jun 3, 2021
Thank you so much for this update and video. God has blessed you all and has given you strength that you didn't even know you had. The prom part of the video is my favorite. He is so full of life and has put a smile on my face forever.
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Diane Menhenett|Jun 3, 2021
Thank you, Courtney, for the wonderful update and beautiful video. It's amazing to see how far Christian has come! I was so fortunate to see him and your Mom in April, and enjoy a birthday dinner with them. He was his old self, laughing and having a great time! He is a true MIRACLE, no doubt about it, and I'm thoroughly convinced that your very active advocacy every step of the way made his recovery possible. His spirit and personality have made a full recovery; just a little longer to overcome the lingering physical challenges. LOVE to all of you and I hope to see you all soon!
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Philip Mann|Jun 3, 2021
Thank you for the video and the updates, brought tears of joy to my eyes! Lots of love all around. Beyond grateful!
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Mona Green|Jun 3, 2021
I am in tears. What an amazing journey. Christian, you are incredible. The amount of love surrounding you is inspiring. God is good. So thankful you get to continue to share your smile and sunshine. Courtney, you are an amazing writer. The updates weren't just updates....i felt i was with you all every step. Much love to you all. Marti, so happy for you to get to have your baby for much more time.
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Karen Kowalchik|Jun 3, 2021
Dear Christian and Family, when I hear your “hulk” call and see you walking as bold as bold can be in school, I know you are gaining strength, courage and confidence each day! The love of your family and your school family will continue with each step you take. Mrs. Kowalchik
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Jodi Seminsky|Jun 3, 2021
You are a blessing to everyone. Especially Christian. Thank you for sharing his story. I look forward to all the updates and continue to keep praying for him and your family
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PegAnne Neff|Jun 3, 2021
Christian exemplified and beat all odds. He is a true warrior of strength and as stated by you Courtney “a beautiful soul!”
Love him dearly 💜💙
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