Stephanie Clark|Apr 3, 2019
I feel so fortunate to have met you at the end of your journey and the middle of mine. You have given me so many good nuggets of advice and resources. And you are an inspiration to me! You are such a good writer and really can articulate your feelings through this rollercoaster of treatment and emotions. I feel honored to give you a hug on April 16th. You are a strong woman! I look forward to being a survivor with you into the future with you and getting you on a mountain bike!
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Diana Sokolove|Apr 2, 2019
to the brave and are an amazing inspiration to all the people out there slugging through the same. i am in such awe of your resolve and clarity of mind to work through all of it, even with all the chemicals bringing you down (and saving your life at the same time). what a nutty world we live in . but to see you on the other side of it - finally - brings such joy!! you will be changed forever - stronger, wiser, and healthier. "A Brightening Floor" from Rumi: "There is a soul spring that adds to everyone's awareness. A Friend who brings peace and healing silence to death. I work for the kindness that touches stone and pearl the same, that sees a garden peacock equal with the road raven. Form dissolves, but wisdom remains. Your soul and your loving mix with the mud of your body., but they have their pleasures apart. Shams steps into the room bringing blessings -- a brightening floor and a star decorating the roof." CHEERS TO YOU, CHERYL!!! XOX Diana
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jack mcwalter|Apr 2, 2019
I was praying for you for the last year. I am happy for you success in beating cancer. I wish my boat would be ready by may. It is being fixed after the hurricane . I could take you sailing in the virgins. I think it was 15 years ago that you sailed with me. Your note made my day. Love u babe. Don't tell Karry she might get jealous. Your biggest cheer leaders from florida. Jack and Lesley
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