Brenda Cornett|May 15, 2024
So many good things to think about and do...and Don't forget the most important is your husband the one who has promised to be there for you thick and thin through it all... the kids will grow up and leave home and live their life but he will be make sure you tell him how much you love and need him..... Praying for you everyday
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Michele Lovette|May 14, 2024
As I was reading what you wrote I was thinking that take the cancer part out and I think all of us have moments when we think what you thought. Why not just go back to bed and forget about exercising and eating right but then like you, we remember that we are important both to God and our families and friends and even that stranger that we haven’t even met yet. So we put one foot in front of the other and keep moving and loving and somewhere along the way we touch others with our love and by doing so, spread God’s love. Thank you for reminding me! Love you!
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Julia Rose-Weston|May 14, 2024
I'm so impressed by your faith, your will and your love! Who is your awesome care team? LMH? KU Med?
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Bruce Rench|May 14, 2024
Charity, This is Bruce. I just read your most recent post, and will tell you, very honestly that it is inspiring. Your devotion to your children is certainly to be commended, and I am continuing to hold you up in prayer, believing that our Father hears my prayers, and will certainly answer them. "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything in accordance with His will, He will hear us, and if we know He hears us, we know we have the petitions we have desired of Him".
I will also say that Daniels entire life is wrapped around you, my dear. Please, carry on for him as well.
Love, Bruce
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