Dean Dyk|Dec 6, 2019
Praying ... praying ... praying and grateful for the progress only a week out. PTL.
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Angela Miller|Dec 6, 2019
Just finished lifting Carter and all of you up in prayer and felt the need to go back and reread your entries over the last week. Wow! what a journey you have been on. It is so evident that God and His amazing love have been present with you over the last week. I have been so touched by your honest and heartfelt words, shed a few tears myself. What a gift you have both given me to the power of prayer and the love of others. The fact that you have come from, "pray, because we can't" to joyful tears is a true testament of faith-trusting in the unknown. I leave with two verses that came to me this morning: Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." and Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Blessings, love and healing to all of you! Angela Miller
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Sharon Houweling|Dec 6, 2019
Thanks Chuck & Leila for the daily updates!
Once again we started our day reading the update on Carter’s condition, but this time with a sense of calm HOPE.
Today we stand in awe of the strength, courage and perseverance displayed by Carter after 7 days in the ICU at St. Mary’s. It takes a village and many villages are surrounding Carter through this unknown journey!
We continue to hold Carter, the Viss family, friends, the medical team at St. Mary’s, LMC, and Truth Point all in our hearts and daily prayers...God has been gracious and good putting you all in Carter’s life!
To Andy & Christine,
We will be forever thankful to you both for saving and protecting Carter’s life, because God still has bigger plans for his life!! May you find peace and healing through all this.❤️

I know not what the future holds,
but I know who holds the future.
Jeremiah 29:11
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Sharon Houweling|Dec 6, 2019
Thanks Chuck & Leila for the daily updates!
Once again we started our day reading the update on Carter’s condition, but this time with a sense of calm HOPE.
Today we stand in awe of the strength, courage and perseverance displayed by Carter after 7 days in the ICU at St. Mary’s. It takes a village and many villages are surrounding Carter through this unknown journey!
We continue to hold Carter, the Viss family, friends, the medical team at St. Mary’s, LMC, and Truth Point all in our hearts and daily prayers...God has been gracious and good putting you all in Carter’s life!
To Andy & Christine,
We will be forever thankful to you both for saving and protecting Carter’s life, because God still has bigger plans for his life!! May you find peace and healing through all this.❤️

I know not what the future holds,
but I know who holds the future.
Jeremiah 29:11
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Joann Luckenbaugh|Dec 6, 2019
So sorry to hear about Carter. Praying for him and the entire family. I have been following The music mom’s emails.
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Mandy Hooft|Dec 6, 2019
You all have been through/going through so much. Thanks for all the updates, helps us to know how we can help pray for Carter and your whole family/friends. You all are dearly loved and we will continue to send lots of love and prayers your way! May God continue to give you all strength and courage as He holds you tight through this! Love from the Hoofts and the Schroms.
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Diane Dengerink-DeBruin|Dec 6, 2019
Thank you Leila & Chuck for your daily updates. Even tho I’m in Washington state, to hear the love, the gratitude, the faithfulness, and the emerging joy in your posts is so heartwarming. You have made me cry tears of concern as well as tears of hope. Please know that I am praying for you daily
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Rhonda Bennett|Dec 6, 2019
Although you don't know me, you, Leila, have been a huge help to me as a piano teacher even after 36 years of teaching! I am also a sister in Christ and a resident of Brighton, CO. I am so moved by the story of Carter's accident. Add my prayers to all those already flowing to the Throne of grace! It appears those answers are flowing back your way! Praise God! May thy continue!
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Valerie Homan|Dec 6, 2019
So happy to hear - Carter's surgeries were successful, his friends stopped to visit, he got to eat food, cards and smiles, ....aah thank you Jesus!! Feeling hopeful along with you. I love that you're being nosy with what's being put inside him - keep being that nosy dad and advocating like a Boss. ;-) We will continue to 'elevate' all of you through this. Carter is doing amazing, despite all the pain. #CarterStrong Love you guys! Thanks for the update Chuck, loved all that you shared.
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Sandee Klemmer|Dec 6, 2019
I am Debbie Center's sister. I will be praying for Carter lots. Hugs.
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