Bryn Sowash|Dec 4, 2019
Leila and Chuck, I've been following your every update. I cannot begin to fathom what you're going through and more what Carter is going through, but he obviously got his strength from the two of you. I am thrilled you've found some humor recently - those sprinkles of laughter will get your through the darkest of times. I'm sure having Carter able to speak and communicate now is a major game changer and great relief - however incoherent it might be at the moment.

Be thankful for the small things, as I know you are, soak in the Florida rays for your reserves when you come back to snow, keep drinking coffee and treating yourself to the things you need to keep yourselves going. Rock star parents!
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Denise Kimm|Dec 4, 2019 (edited)
We are so glad that Carter is off the ventilator, and that you can communicate with him! His asking to go to Dairy Queen reminded me of Scott. Once while being transported by ambulance, Scott asked to stop at Dairy Queen. Then during a minor procedure he asked for Cold Stone. Possibly a "Kimm" trait, or probably a guy thing. Thank you for keeping us updated with posts. I am guessing it is kind of therapeutic for you. You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad that your kids are coming tomorrow. It will be so good for all of you to be together. Love and prayers.
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lisa lukas|Dec 4, 2019
Dear Leila, Thank you for keeping us updated. I am thinking of you all every day and sending all my prayers and love to Carter and to your family. Feeling that God is everywhere present, surrounding you all, with his caring love and tender mercies; for healing, health, well-being, peace, goodness and grace, now, ongoing, and continuing to unfold, Carter is so very much loved and supported.
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Deena Candler|Dec 4, 2019
You don’t know me. I attended SSCC last Sunday with my sister and brother-in-law, Christie and Jim Dawson and heard the news about Carter. I have been praying for all of you continually since then. I think I know how to pray for you. A few years ago a tragic situation left my grandson with traumatic brain injury and I spent months in the hospital and then rehab with him. Our lives have continued on a new normal. Our situations are different, but I know a bit about the trauma and the long term ahead of all of you...and the unknowns that will be with it. One of the things I have been praying for all of you is hope. One of the things I realized along the way is that in Spanish, the word for ‘wait’ and ‘hope’ is the same: Esperar. You have a lot of waiting. And Advent is a season is waiting. But finding that out helped me be reminded that for Christians waiting is not devoid of hope. Then a few years ago I realized that it is the same in Hebrew: same word for wait and hope. So, that passage in Isaiah 40:31 reads: “They who wait/hope for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Waiting is really hard...especially with the kind of waiting you are and will be going through. But I am praying that you experience hope in the midst of it.
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Jackie Walsh|Dec 4, 2019
Sending so many prayers from Montana... your son seems like a remarkable man and he will persevere in his challenges ahead...God is great...
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Amanda Mascarelli|Dec 4, 2019
Leila, you and Carter and your whole family are on my heart constantly, and the Mascarelli family is praying for all of you. I so deeply appreciate your sharing the ups and downs of this journey with us, and my heart is with you. So many hugs from all of us here in Colorado.
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angie WORCESTER|Dec 4, 2019
Praying and following from Panama City, FL. My family dives and I volunteer with sea stranded sea turtles, and I think your son is an amazing young man. May God bless you all.
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Debby Adams Meese|Dec 4, 2019
Hello Leila, I have been following Carters story since the accident and your journey since CaringBridge started. I saw a post on my church website (Christ Fellowship) asking for prayer for Carter. I immediately felt drawn to you and went to God in prayer.
I want you to know that you are in my prayers and on my mind constantly. You are strong because of your faith in God and you have been so blessed to be Carter’s Mom God will be by your side every step of the way. Through the good days and bad days!
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Becky Dissinger|Dec 4, 2019
Thank you for the updates and pics! We are bathing your son in prayer!!!
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Norma Linda King|Dec 4, 2019
I remember that after Jim's amputation Jim would ask me to scratch his foot and hang out his ski gear to dry on the clothesline. The "ghost foot" subsided and we never had a clothesline. .......he had not skied in years. Continued prayer are coming your direction. Oh, how are the legs? Yes, the weather is cool in West Palm Beach in the mornings. You have the humidity there that we don't have here..........and your skin loves it. Sunny day today with snow expected this week. Sending hugs with lots of love.
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