Barbara Calderon|Nov 23, 2022
Sending Blessings to You and Your Family on this Thanksgiving Holiday.
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Daniel M.Mirro|Nov 23, 2022
Carly you are an amazing individual. God Bless you and your extended family. I'm saddened as to what you are going through, however your life and strength are like a shining light......I'm grateful to know you always! Have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
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Karen Amendolaro|Nov 23, 2022
Carly, wishing you and your beautiful family a peaceful Thanksgiving! If you want I will come sit with you and we can kick the nurse out..........xoxo
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Maylan Studart|Nov 22, 2022
I was wondering where you were!! So great to hear from you!!! All I could think about reading your words was how happy your kids must be that you're there despite all the hardship. Loved to see Emma Grace drawing by you!! Wow, the family is growing so fast!! And thank you for helping us understand what you're going through. It helps me be a more understanding person and stop to see that life is so much more important that just going to work and doing things. Our relationships are what makes our life full. And no, I don't see how you've lost your dignity. There's nothing for courageous than fighting for your life. You are taking everything in stride and it is hard, but your dignity is still in you!! I'm so happy you have people helping you. So many don't have that capability. Sending you healing and loving energy. XOXOXO XOXOXO
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Andrea Davis|Nov 22, 2022
Dear Carly, what you describe is unimaginable & I believe that your faith & the love & compassion of your family & friends is what fuels your body, soul & spirit. You, my friend, are the epitome of Thanksgiving!
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Liz Speed|Nov 21, 2022
The courage you have to even share the unbelievable struggles and losses you are experiencing and the challenges you face every second is heartbreaking. I know that it makes me not take anything I have for granted. You are such a special friend to me and I love you dearly. I hope you can feel some of the love that we all have for you to help you through your daily struggles. Love you dearly xoxo
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Barbara Rodgers|Nov 21, 2022
You are the strongest person I know, Carly. Wishing you a peaceful Thanksgiving :) Hugs, Barbara
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Judith Green|Nov 21, 2022
Screw ALS! This is bullshit! But thank you for sharing your journey. I hope that someone in your network is in publishing, because your journal entries would make an incredible book...maybe we find a neurologist to partner with you to provide the clinical insight? I might suggest that you still have some work to know, the OG Cardiology Team never stops working!
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Lou Mancini|Nov 21, 2022
As most of the family know, I can be quite a talker and prone to long telephone conversations. Just ask your mom … Lol. After reading your entry and your description of what you’re going through, I am at a
“ LOSS FOR WORDS “. What you so eloquently described I cannot even imagine going through. Please know you’re ALWAYS in my nighttime prayers and at a church service. May God give you some kind of comfort at this extraordinary difficult time. With much love, Louis
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Sophia Tsagouris|Nov 20, 2022
Always praying for you and your family. It saddens me to hear all your new griefs but leaves me amazed and smiling that you still have your sense of humor, strength and endurance in this difficult marathon of your life. Sending all my love and blessings and wishing something/someone can make all of this go away for you and your family. Xoxox
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