Emily Morrow|Oct 20, 2019
Hi Kat-Y!!! I've been thinking about you non-stop and praying for you and Lily!! Thankfully Allison has been keeping me updated. I always knew you were strong, but your strength amazes me so much!! I am so incredibly proud of you and thankful to call you my friend! I look forward to getting together with you sometime in the near future ♡ shoot me a text anytime 859-940-3153. I love ya, girl!!
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Liza Lamb|Oct 20, 2019
hi katy ! i happen to love you to smithereens, still crazy about you after all these years . you remain the strongest ( and most determined / stubborn and honest) person i ever met. hope you're not going too stir crazy in the hospital . let me know if i can bring you anything or help in anyway. my flaky self is here for you, always . love you kt bugg
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