Pam Lipsky|Jan 20, 2021
Hi Carin, I sending lots of prayers daily. You will beat this horrible thing!!! Wish I were there to help out!!
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Mindy Bush|Jan 19, 2021
Sending lots of love and hugs and prayers! Keep up the fight. You’ve got this! Love you Caren❤️🙏🏻
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Erin Kirk|Jan 19, 2021
Ok I’ll keep with the theme! Caren, know I think of you often and sending all the love, hugs and smiles your way.

A bear walks into a bar and demands from the bar tender, 'I want a large rum and ........................... a coke.' George, the bar tender enquires, 'What's with the huge pause?' The bear looks down and answers, 'Oh, them, I've had them all my life!’
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Julie Trimble|Jan 19, 2021
I love Elise's polar bear joke! In keeping with that theme I will follow suit... plus you know we are sending you prayers, good vibes and lots of love!

An Arctic explorer came face to face with a polar bear. Afraid of being eaten, he fell to his knees and started praying. When the polar bear knelt down beside him and started praying too, the man shouted, "It's a miracle!". The polar bear opened one eye and said "Don't talk while I'm saying grace.".
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Elise Smith|Jan 18, 2021
Sweetest Caren, I'm thinking of you often and sending you lots of love.

I couldn't help but giggle when I read Liz's direction to leave a funny note. At first, I thought that I didn't know any funny stories or jokes, but then it hit me.... I've never told you how to catch a polar bear. (Stick with me; this is the only joke I know.)

Go somewhere where there's lots of ice. Take a can of peas along. Cut a big hole in the ice. Place the peas around the hole. Then, go hide behind a rock. When the bear comes to take a pea, kick him in the ice hole. 🤣

I'll work on my humor skills for the next post. ❤️
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Coushatta Cunningham|Jan 18, 2021
Keep up the fight!! You are so loved with so many friends standing behind you! ❤️
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