Nannette Leake|Mar 2, 2020
I am so happy to hear you are making such good progress. You are a strong boy. Stay positive and be patient with yourself as you heal and learn new things. I hope you have enjoyed the kids posts on the Padlet. They have had fun typing notes to you. I will clear the old notes this week to make room for new ones. The sun is out here today and I hope it is shining where you are. Spring is on it's way!
I miss you. Blessings-
Ms. Leake
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Pam Sinnett|Feb 27, 2020
Hi Camdyn!
I have heard how brave and strong you have been! I am so proud of you!

Are you learning a lot about your insulin pump and counting carbs? You are so smart that I am sure you are catching on fast! I will be there to help you every step of the way once you are back at school! Im praying for you to feel better...and better... every day!

We miss you!
Nurse Pam đź’ś
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Emily Ketelsen|Feb 27, 2020
Hi Camdyn - How are you doing? We are thinking about you and miss you. We wish you were here. What are you up to today? We heard you have a teacher to help you everyday. Yesterday, we had a snow day! The class wants to know if you still had to learn yesterday.
P.S. We had a cockroach in the room on Tuesday.
Talk to you soon!
Mrs. Ketelsen's class
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