Susan Steffner|Mar 10, 2019
Bill, thank you for sharing your are very brave....I haven't seen you or Julie for some time, but I think of you both often, especially in November during the RGVBF in Texas. We had such fun at our home in Harlingen years ago celebrating life, with Jeff and Liz and Mimi and David.... laughing and talking...the cookies helped, of course. On your difficult journey ahead, that we all must endure, you at least have some time and space to prepare...I wish you much courage and fortitude to face it with wisdom and a sense of calmness. Know that our hearts are with you......we'll meet again....As ever, SES
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Suzette Stitely|Mar 10, 2019
Dear Bill,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I met you on a field trip you led at the New River birding festival a few years ago. I also enjoyed your band at the festival. My grandfather had pancreatic cancer too, so I have an idea what you're going through. I admire your courage and positive attitude. I hope you find comfort in knowing how many lives you've touched and how fondly you're thought of. Fly high! Suzette
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Nancy Andersen|Mar 9, 2019
Dear Bill, we only met in person last year at Pico Bonito 2, but I feel like I've known you much longer through BWD. I admire your attitude. in this very difficult time. Please know you, Julie and "the kids" are in my heart and prayers. Sending love & wishes for good birding.
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Martha Jaramillo/Jones|Mar 8, 2019
Dear Bill.... It's hard to comprehend how you find room for humor and so much humanity and sensitivity during this difficult time. I have been blessed by knowing your family and admiring your adventures and contributions to our world. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such intimate moments and feelings; your courage is amazing and puts a complete different perspective on our mission, purpose and time in this world. I am sure your ideas, your legacy, your dreams, your courage, your passion, your tenderness, your love for nature, music and art, your always open heart and home.... all this wonderful examples and messages will be carry on and immortalized by your two AMAZING wonderful kids. We will support them and help them to carry the family heritage and we will hold them when the time needs it. Live this days in peace and joy.... because your journey in life has been richer and with more contributions to the world and humanity than many of US. God bless you.... We love you, Julie...... and will always support you and your family.
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Chris Bohinski|Mar 8, 2019
Bill, your attitude is most inspiring. Much love and continued prayers from your friends in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. 💙🙏
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Molly Fisk|Mar 7, 2019
Bill Thompson, I love you. What an elegant example you are giving us for our own last whiles, whenever those may be. I hope Ohio shows you a glorious spring and Julie and your kids and friends and birds surround you. I waved at some hundred Sand Hill cranes in your honor this afternoon as they flew over my house in the Sierra foothills, making their gurgling calls. Carry on. xox
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Brenda Moseley|Mar 7, 2019
Hi Bill. Beautiful words. I briefly met you some thirty years ago when you and Julie were in Bandon, Oregon, and Steve Holt and I joined you for dinner. I did quite a bit of research on this beast of a cancer some seven years ago. I wish I could say that much has changed regarding the treatment routinely offered to patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer, particularly since MTD chemotherapy is particularly ill-suited to the treatment of this highly individualized and chemoresistant disease. But as you know, that's not the case. I do think your decision was a very wise one and wish you many more days filled with music and love and birds and all of the beauty this tiny blue planet has to offer. I hope you keep your focus on all that you still want to accomplish, but I will send the results of my research to the email address that Wendy posted for you later tonight or tomorrow. I hope that some of the information will be helpful.
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Joshua Rosenthal|Mar 7, 2019
Aw Jeez Bill. I've been following your story through Julie and Martha, but having lost several good friends to cancer in the last couple of years, it has been difficult for me to follow too closely. The truth is the mixture of sadness, warmth and courage I read in your blog is deeply moving and inspiring, ... and my heart is right there with you. Beyond the candor and emotional clarity you demonstrate so eloquently, what strikes me is the wonderful world of friends, family, music and birds you have created and nurtured. After considering the security of our loved ones, as you do, many of us think about 'legacy' in one form or another - what will we leave behind. That sounds to me like a damn fine mixture of love, beauty and accomplishment to leave behind. I gotta go dry my face off now.
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Erica Gies|Mar 7, 2019
Hi Bill,
I don't believe we ever met, but I've enjoyed following your adventures on Facebook since meeting and rooming with Julie in Guyana in 2009. I'm so sorry to hear that you have cancer, and I'm thankful that you have so many loving, wonderful people around you.
Big hugs,
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John Borchard|Mar 7, 2019
A very moving update, Bill. Although it's hard to imagine a world without Bill Thompson III, rest assured that you have made it a better place and that your presence will be felt for a long, long time. While we would all love to have you around for another 57 years, you have used your time wisely and productively. Sometimes -- most of the time, perhaps -- we are unaware of the effect we have on the people and the world around us except in a limited, day-to-day kind of way. But you, my friend, have affected a great many people. I am proud and thankful to count myself among those. As always, I wish you peace and comfort.
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