Lee Melius|Jan 24, 2019
Bill, So happy to see the Young Frankenstein quote! A decade ago I walked a path similar to yours and reached out to friends for recommendations for”laughter, the best medicine.” While I can’t claim I chuckled my way through chemo (mostly I just chucked, fainted and slept), my curated list of friends’ favorite comedies did help pass the time. From Blazing Saddles to The Marx Brothers, each one reminded me that a friend cared enough to share. So, I recommend starting with The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (if only for Stacey Keach and a very young Victoria Principal - and an adorable bear). We all care -more than you know. 🙏
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Elizabeth Ball|Jan 24, 2019
If love has any power over this horrible disease, Bill will surely recover! May the network of caring spread over you all, ease Bill's pain, and get you through this crisis.
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Shirley Stary|Jan 24, 2019
Thank you for sharing an update. My heart is breaking for you. Sending love to you all.
Shirley & Bill
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Sally Dick|Jan 24, 2019
I follow Julie on FB and know Bill only after taking one of his trips, but still, he just made it feel like I knew him all along. And now I am sending him my best thoughts, wishes, and prayers for the strength he needs.
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nancy mcallister|Jan 24, 2019
Thank you so much for updating us, Wendy. Please know that your' village' is continuing to lift you up in all our hearts and prayers. Wishing I were there and could lend a hand with meals etc.. Sending huge hugs and love from Maryland to Bill, Wendy and your whole gang! You guys are truly an inspiration! Hang in there. <3
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Mary Warren|Jan 24, 2019
Thanks for the update Wendy! We continue to hold you all in love and positive thoughts. Please take care of yourself too and find a little peace whenever and wherever you can!❤️
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Connie & Pat Toops|Jan 24, 2019
Thanks for the update, Wendy. This cancer is a tough foe, and Bill is one tough guy. We send healing thoughts and wishes for strength as his treatments continue. Hope is a powerful force ~~ may it surround you all.
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Angel, Mariel & Luna Jay Abreu|Jan 24, 2019
Thank you for taking the time to update us all during these most difficult times. We are sending healing prayers to Bill and strength to all of you. You guys are in our daily thoughts.

We love you all,
Angel, Mariel & Luna Jay ♥️♥️♥️
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Deborah Griffith|Jan 24, 2019
Thanks so much for the update Wendy. I’m sure parts of it were difficult to write.
When BT3 feels much better, remind him at some point of the Marx Brothers collection we sent.
This link is to an interesting piece on the healing power of laughter. I’m not sure I buy all of this guy’s theories, but I do firmly believe in that power!
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Vicki Gaines|Jan 24, 2019
Praying for you all!
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