Glenn Selch|May 29, 2019
That is WONDERFUL news!! Ain't technology great?!

Welcome to the bionic club--tuning my pacemaker is a similar experience--and if it goes off, I go off.
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Maureen Mortensen|May 28, 2019
Domo Arigato Mr Roboto!
Congratulations my friends!!XOXOXO
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Ellen Miller|May 28, 2019
Thank you for that very touching message. We could NOT be more thrilled for you and your incredible family!!!
Bruce & Ellen
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Britt Vogel|May 28, 2019
So very, very thrilled to read this!!! We couldn’t be more grateful and excited. Thanks so much for the truly AWESOME update, Brian!
Britt (with sweaty eyes)
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Anna Mee|May 28, 2019
You have been through so much to get here. So proud of you for your strength. You and your family will have an awesome summer and beyond! What an inspiration you are! Enjoy every moment.
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Cynthia Stephenson|May 28, 2019
This is an answer to all of our prayers!
I love you so much B!
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Jane McCracken|May 28, 2019
Beautifully written Brian - love to all of you. Jane
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Betsy Bayne|May 28, 2019
Dear Brian - this is very good news - hooray for good science and the extremely competent medical team you have. Also all the love and prayers from all your family and good friends. Surely none of that will cease and know that I am amongst them. Love to you and your fine family, your cousin Betsy Bayne
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Zae Perrin|May 28, 2019
Awesome update!! So happy for you all! When you’re ready to golf I’ll caddy for you 😎
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Chad Barker|May 28, 2019
Wow, Brian, what an amazing update. I'm so happy for you.
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